Thiefts from bank accounts unauthorised ripoff waterford

Internet & Web

AOL are a ripoff. I have had my savings all stolen by aol. My accounts are empty and overdrawen by thes thieves. I joined aol in june. A free one month trial has cost me my saving and accounts. All my cards have been canceled to stop the thiefts. Aol phone me after dozens of calls e. Mail and letter to them saying they were not refunding any of the payments stolen
from the accounts. Aol claimed i had seperate accounts with them. This was not true. I had only one that i joined in june 15th. They went on to say i gave them credit card numer in april 1st 200t and told me the number on the phone of the card i was sapose to had gave them in 1st april. I knew they were telling lies as the card they had that account was not open till june and i was only issued the card then i didnt even know the number of it till june. They were caught out lieing. When i phoned up again they claimed i had gave a second card number. I had not. I suspected in aol i had entered my vanquis card to tesco on the net to pay for shopping but i cant fully garantee that at no time was aol gave the vanquis card number. I suspected fraud. I contacted the police and the bank. Aol first denied they had stolen the savings then said they had stolen or taken 4 payment from one card they still denie payments from the vanquis card its on the statement aol access. They had stolen the payments it was clear to see they had them. The 15th august 07 is not even up yet the first month at 15.99 a month and the accounts are cleaned out by thes fraudsters at aol overdrawing the accounts. And by usacomplaints. Coms i not been the only person ripped of by AOL

R breydin
co londonderry
United Kingdom

Company: Aol
Country: Ireland
Phone: 08703202020
  <     >  


INTERNET PROVIDER thiefts from credit cards, overdrawing my bank accounts ripoff Waterford

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Waterford ireland stolen all my money from my credit cards every penny gon

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Membership Savings
Passport To Fun, Vertrue, Memberworks, premierhealth Plus, Simply You, 24 Protect Plus, Privacy Matters, Homeworks Plus, Valuemax, Your Savings Club, Galleria, Simple Escapes. Charging my bank account monthly for 19.95. Montreal Quebec Canada -
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