WTS Virtualbill.com/webtransaction
Removed funds from my checking account to pay for gay website activity that I never authorized nor requested. Ripoff

Internet & Web

On August 3, I contacted the number I found for a Direct Debit contact to determine the nature of a charge. I discovered it was one of Two charges made for access to gay web sites. These charges had initiated as of 04/1, at 10:17: AM for the amounts of $9.95 each and had continued with removal of funds through July in the amounts of $39.95 and $42.95 each month.

With the money being removed for the past 15 months, I have paid for someone to observe perversities at my expense of an approximated $1263.40. I am a retired, almost 65 year old person. I have no desire to assist any one in such activities.

It is quite possible that the person who did as much may have been some one that had been within the confines of my home. There is one young man, whom I tutored, who had interactions with Vanderbilt Hospital and who has done similar things to his family members and family associates. His name was Eddie Huff, III HE CHANGED HIS NAME TO Trey Bell. He changed his social security number, also during 2005 or 2006.

Although he may have been the person to do the actual ordering, it was done through WTS. WTS provided the information regarding the date of activation but may have more knowledge than they admit. The email address of nowhere@nowhere.com with user name of CPryor is not one I have nor the password of 463463. I have a password similar but decidedly different from that 6-digit number.

Company: WTS Virtualbill.com/webtransaction
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Austin
Address: PO Box 163032
Phone: 8009755618
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