Daily Rage/Stranger Adventures.com
DOES NOT PAY WINNERS—partnered with MTV—didn't rec. 1000.00 prize

Internet & Web

This internet company does a daily game, and at time does a weekly game. I am writing about the Beta version of the daily game.

In the Beta game, you figured out clues, entered in the correct passcode, and hoped that you were the daily winner. The daily winner was chosen from people who had entered in the correct passcode. It was a killer game, which I played for a long time before I won; even after I had won, I just thought it was a ploy or something. My first win was in Nov., then I won the second time in Jan. Of this year. Shortly after my second win the game went dark for some time. When it reappeared, it looked to have a new partner, MTV.

I played this game according to their rules. I submitted all forms, in accordance with their rules. If I hadn't done everything in compliance, I would have forfeited my prize, which was/is 1000.00. One of the rules stated that they had 60 days to pay (this is for the Beta version, remember) the money.

In January, the 60 days was up for my first win, when I should have received my money. I called, I emailed, I did everything but travel to their office (which, according to Google earth, they really do have an office—you can see it).

They replied, mostly to my phone calls, with, "Just 2 more weeks, " and, "We wouldn't work here if they were liars". Each time I called, the excuses were basically the same.in early May, I was able to talk to the Chief Financial Officer, Drake Turner, who then gave me his word that I would have the check in a week. Guess what? It really happened when he said, but the check was 160 days late from the date of original win...

Also, in Jan. I won a second time. This is what I mad about. It has gotten to the point, that when I call down there, they recognize my voice even before I can state my name. This time, the round of excuses are more inventive, maybe true, I don't know. The top, #1 excuse is, we are shuffling money in different accounts. Huh??? Now wait a minute here. Many of the original people are gone-fired, walked off, whatever, I don't know, I don't care. It is like rats leaving a sinking ship.

My last conversation with them, last week, I asked the bookkeeper, Jean, 2 things—Are the past winners considered a bill, like utilities? Yes. Has she been paid? Yes. Ok, then why haven't we been paid? No answer from her. So, I left a message for Drake Turner to call me back. He hasn't.

I am in contact with some of the past winners, which they haven't gotten paid either. We have filed with the California State Attorney General's Office. Some of us have filed for arbitration, which, in their rules, state we have to do if we have a dispute with them. As far as I'm concerned, there is no dispute—they have already agreed that they owe me money, I agree with that.

Resolution—my 1000.00 winnings.

Company: Daily Rage/Stranger Adventures.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Monica
Phone: 3105841714
Site: dailyrage.com
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