Mighty GPS
Misrepresentation of advertising MightyGPS.com

Internet & Web

MIGHTY GPS advertises they have a gps with USA street maps. Their system when inbstalled is nnot covering my area with street in placed on other systems such as Micrsoft streets maps, Expedia, Map Quest.

They have told me the gps maker (TeleTypeGPS) had maps on web for me, so I spoke with them and they do not as well as their supplier (Tele Atls Mapping) their mapping firm does yet have. All accounts from both of these firm is my area is months away.

Only when Pay Pal was contacted re a complaint did I get a phone # (which reaches a mail box only)

I have excellated my case with Pay Pal.

Company: Mighty GPS
Country: USA
Phone: 4167129168
Site: mighty gps.com
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Google Maps
Google Maps DOES NOT work! - Google Maps

Google Maps
Condos left out

Google Maps
Google Maps Gettysburg Battlefield

Google Maps
Google maps doesn't work! - Google Maps

Universal Advertising Associates Inc
Maps are out of print before season begins

Google Maps
Incorrect maps - Google Maps

Frank Bays - Maps, Inc - National Bookcovers
Ripoff! My money was taken ($623.00), my ad was designed but the maps were NEVER printed

Ripoff did not provide update maps as stated on their faqs when i bought my unit says updates every 8-10 months

Al-Pi Publishing Company
Charles Saenz Lithographic Poster Maps or Cartoon Maps

Google Maps
Google Maps gives me wrong directions all the time! - Google Maps