Frank Bays - Maps, Inc - National Bookcovers
Ripoff! My money was taken ($623.00), my ad was designed but the maps were NEVER printed

Shops, Products, Services

A representative from Maps, Inc. Owned by Frank Bays came to my place of business to sell an ad on a campground map for three campgounds in my area. I have seen these maps before and decided to place ads in three maps for three different campgrounds. My money was taken ($623.00), the ad was designed and the maps were NEVER printed.

The same representative came back to my buisness a year later working for another company. I found out from him that Mr. Bays owes many people money. I have called, faxed and mailed letters repeatedly to Mr. Bays with no response.

It is VERY wrong & unprofessional that Mr. Bays has not responsed to any attempts that I have made to contact him.

Company: Frank Bays - Maps, Inc - National Bookcovers
Country: USA
State: Montana
City: Whitefish
Address: PO Box 280
Phone: 4068623296
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National Book Covers
FRANK BAYS & National Book Covers of Whitefish, Montana will not pay me, ripping off Senior Citizens too

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