PM -Fast
Affiliated with E-bay is a scam and took money from my account witout permission!

Internet & Web

I signed up to receive a CD that goes into detail about selling on e-bay which was supposed to cost $1.97. I received the cd a 2-3 weeks ago and now additional charges are showing up on my account. Yesterday there was one for $49.95 and today one showed up for $16.95. I filled out a dispute form at my credit union for the first charge but have not heard anything yet.

Company: PM -Fast
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: St. George
Address: P.O. Box 910669
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SmartNet Development, Fast Auction Pro, My SEO Guidenet
Fast Auction Pro charged my credit card $49.95 on 11/1/06 for a site I DID NOT AUTHORIZE, an additional $9.95 was charged by My SEO Guidenet on 11/8/06 after cancelling by email Ripoff

E Pro Auction
Tek Meds & Auction Success - Ebay ripoff disonest fraudulent billing

Terrible rip off!

Fast Auction Profit
Buyer Beware Fast Auction Profit is a Ripoff

PM Fast Auction - Seo Guide
I've had three charges that i know of on my credit card and have never been on the site
Ripoff illegal Visa Charges Non-delivery additional Credit Card charges
Unauthorized credit card charge of $60.00

MWI'Simple Escapes2
Fraudulant charges on Union Plus Credit Card

E-Cigs Brand
Consumer Report