FREE MEANS CHARGING YOUR CARD ripoff fraudulent charges

Internet & Web

I received a free disc in the mail from AOL stating that I could use their service for 90 days before I would have to pay and if I cancelled before the 90 days were complete I would not be charged.

Well that turned out to be a joke they charged my card right from the beginning at $25.90 per month for 3 months even though I had cancelled within the first 2 months.

I first noticed the problem when I couldn't balance my checking account, money was hemorraging from it. I called and told them I had cancelled prior to the expiration time was any where near complete and I had given them my cancellation number all to my amazement I discovered that they had created a duplicate account for me but they said their policy was to charge ahead of time and that the customer could cancel if they wanted to within that time frame.

I told them I had cancelled and I wanted my money back they said it would take approximately 2 months for the refund to occur when I protested I was told I could speak to a supervisor who then instructed me to write to AOL, in Virginia which I did. I am notifying them and everyone else that this company is a rip off and that they purposely charge people against their will and they only want your money to be given to them but when it comes to refunding you the consumer they don't want to give you back your money.

Company: Aol
Country: USA
State: Virginia
Address: P.O. BOX 65527
Phone: 8002178740
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