Video Proffesor
Took $80.00 for a returned item i have no item and no money and i want my money BACK! John scherer is a jerk Ripoff

Internet & Web

Video Proffesor took $80.00 from my account on a returned item. I now have no item and no money. You cannot call these people because their customer line is all automated. You need to wait for the comercial and then argue with a "customer sevice rep". Customer service is a joke.

Company: Video Proffesor
Country: USA
Phone: 8005257763
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Video Proffesor
Wrongfully took 102.00 from my debit card that i did not authorize, this money was to pay my october gas bill. Video Professor internet

Video Professor John Scherer Founder/CEO
Video Professor John Scherer Founder CEO ripoff fraud business ripoff thieves As Seen On TV
Target customer DISSERVICE

Buy Rite Video
Rip-off unfair business practices unreliable unable to contact merchant

John W. Scherer - Video Professor
Have not returned my money after 2 months. Keep getting the run around. I consider it unfair business practice

John W. Scherer Ceo - Video Professor
Video professor illegally took $399.00 from my bank account and refuse to refund me my money!

COM Item shipped not item ordered-returned itme but no refund and no replacment
Customer Service - Customer Service
Horrible customer service and response times, if at all they will rip you off

Hosiery and more
Paid for but did not receive item