OnRebate - Tigerdirect
OnRebate - tigerdirect ripoff rebate Boca Raton Florida

Internet & Web

I used this company's service before. They were Ok. Before I bought this VCR-DVD Recorder. I read some buyers comments. Some said they didn't get their rebate no matter how many times they tried. I thought that were just their bad luck or they didn't know how to do it.

Well, here I am, even a person had done meny times "right" before. This time, I did follow the instructions very careful and sent both original UPC barcodes on the box to them and made copy. I compare the UPC with the example on the Onrebate form, They exactly same. I had pretty confidence there was no problem. However I got this response. I smell something has changed with the compy practice. Those buyer who got trouble with Onrebate are right.

"Dear Xin,

Thank you for using OnRebate.com. We are very sorry to inform you that your rebate application does not meet the sponsoring manufacturer's conditions for approval and therefore has been denied.in order to qualify for the rebate, you must have met and complied with all the terms and conditions as set forth by the manufacturer in the terms and conditions of the rebate offer. The manufacturer or vendor who sponsors the rebate sets the rules for disbursement and OnRebate's job is simply to administer those rules by determining compliance and disbursing payment when complete compliance with all manufacturer's terms and conditions has been demonstrated. Since one or more of the manufacturer's requirements were not met, OnRebate.com is regrettably unable to approve your rebate submission.

The following manufacturer requirements were not met:

The original UPC barcode was not included in your rebate submission."

I called Onrebate. They told me they didn't get the original UPC barcode. Can you believe? I said since I sent the original, I don't have the original, I only have the the copy of the form and the copy of the UPC code. They told me that they have to have the original and blame me not to listen. I told the lady, I listen to you, could you tell me what is the next step I can take? She said to me, send the original UPC. She threated several time to cut me off and she did finally.

I learned a lesson here. Hope you will learn it too.

Company: OnRebate - Tigerdirect
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: onrebate.com
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Rebate ripoff BEWARE OnRebate will steal from you

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