Verified my rebate fulfillment but won't pay!

Internet & Web

Dear OnRebate.com:

Do you like apples?

On 5/27/06 I ordered RAM from TigerDirect (I'm very happy with the RAM, btw, works great!). The offer included a $40 rebate, which I duly noted and saved.

Once the RAM came and I had it working, I completed the rebate forms. I agreed to an expidited rebate for a fee of $4.50, which would be deducted from the rebate refund, making my rebate $35.50. Still a great deal, in my opinion, and this way I have the money back sooner for my computer budget!

As part of the rebate process I received an email confirmation that I had submitted a rebate request, containing a link to confim my email address. I clicked the link and a few minutes later recieved another email confirming the confirmation of my email address submitted in my rebate confirmation. I then mailed my rebate form/UPC/reciept per the instructions on the website. This was 6/3/06.

On 6/7/06 I recieved an email from OnRebate stating that my rebate has been approved. It also stated "OnRebate guarantees we will mail your rebate check via 1st class mail within 3 to 5 business days from receipt of all your rebate documentation for a small fee of $4.50 which will be deducted from your rebate check." Very clearly stated.

I take this to mean that the check will be mailed no later than 7/14/06, which means I should have the check in hand by 7/21/06. To date, no check has been recieved by me.

I found the OnRebate customer service email address and on 7/12/06 emailed them. I stated that their website and emails indicate that my rebate has been approved, but the website states that the payment has not been processed as "guaranteed" by previous email. I also stated that I expect the payment in full of the original $40 rebate offer sent immediately as it was not expidited as promised, with no fee deducted from the amount, and the 6-8 week period expected for a non-expidited rebate had passed as well. I recieved an email the next date from "marcus" stating that "YOUR INFORMATION HAS WILL BE FORWARDED TO ACCOUNTING PLEASE REPLY TO THIS EMAIL TO VERIFY YOUR ADDRESS". I responded with my address and the next day recieved a response from "April" again stating that "Your information has been forward to accounting." This was 7/14/06.

This was the last communication from OnRebate via email. I was never contacted by accounting, nor have I recieved my check. As of this writing, the OnRebate website STILL states that my payment has not been processed.

On 8/2/06 I called the phone number on the OnRebate website. Unfortunately, I've lost my notes with the name of the agent that I spoke with. She informed me that she would have my check sent out immediately, but could not offer any explanation as to why it hadn't been sent. Now, I've worked in call centers before, so I know what its like to be the smallest cog in the machine, abused by some irate jerk with a deserved sense of entitlement (me) because somebody else in the company dropped the ball. So, I asked for her supervisor's name, and was told it is "Nikki". When I asked to speak with her or another sup, I was informed that THERE WAS NO SUPERVISOR AVAILABLE and there would not be one available for the next 2 hours. This was at 2:50pm, meaning there wouldn't be someone available until sometime around 5pm. I told the rep to please process the payment but I would call back again after 5 to follow up with the supervisor. End call.

I called back again that same day at 5pm and was informed that THE SUPERVISOR HAD LEFT FOR THE DAY and I would have to call back again tomorrow to speak with her! I was again assured that my payment would be sent ASAP and that my information would be forwarded to the supervisor for followup. End call.

3 weeks later, I've never been contacted by Nikki, nor have I recieved my check. As of this writing, the OnRebate website STILL states that my payment has not been processed.

I called again today, 8/30/06 9:03am. I spoke with "Sean" (a female) who reviewed the notes from my 8/2//06 call. She then informed me that the payment had not been sent, and she didn't know why. When I asked to speak to her supervisor, she informed me that THERE WAS NO SUPERVISOR AVAILABLE and there would not be one available for another hour. She had mentioned that having the payment sent via Paypal, so I asked about that option and was informed that it would be several days before that would show up. I said that this is unacceptable and would be filing complaints with the Federal Trade Commission and the Attorney General of Florida. She then said she would have her supervisor call me back as soon as she came in, within the hour, and took my contact phone number. End call.

Having still not recieved the phone call from Nikki, I called back again 2 hours later. I spoke with Dee, who immediately put me on hold for 5 minutes. She came back and informed me that the research department was looking into my request, and I would have to wait at least 2 more weeks! I said that was unacceptible and demanded a supervisor, to which she replied that THERE WAS NO SUPERVISOR AVAILABLE as she was in a meeting, and I would have to call back later. I demanded to speak to someone in authority, and was informed that the only people there were the supervisor, the President and the CEO. I asked for contact information for the CEO and was informed that he doesn't not speak over the phone and was given the OnRebate mailing address for contact.

It is my contention that OnRebate has no intention of sending the payment. The continued delays are to put me off until I simply go away and leave them alone. I've no intention of doing so. I've filed complaints with the FTC, and the Florida AG as promised, as well as the BBB.

Company: OnRebate.com
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: 120 East Palmetto Park Road
Phone: 8882229300
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Rebate check scam! Ripoff

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