
Internet & Web is a company that registers internet domain this example when I searched for a business their domain name had expired and snap names popped up instead with an offer to secure the domain in an auction. I thought I would be interested in that so I placed a bid and secured the domain several weeks later.

When snapnames advised me that the requirements were finished they refered me to the entity that will set up the web site. When I went to the site and entered the password, it would not allow me to log in. I waited severla days and like wise I could not log in.

I called the 415 area code number listeed and you'll never guess the call patched through to India with a person who I could not understand nor she me?
Frustrated I called again and exactly the same the mean time I obtained no less than 7 pass words and none would get me past the error user not registered phase.

When I called snapnames in Portland i spoke with a very nice and patient person and explained that I was not satisfied and wanted to cancel the purchase and she had a tech by the name of Roger get on the line asking me if I needed tech support? When I said no he hung up?!!

Calling back I asked for an explanation and he said well you said you didnt want help so i hung up?
I snet them two emails and they say they arnet formated correctly and that the emails were attched?
What the heck kind of nonsense is this?
When we as consumers bid and obtain a domain and are sent to the next step only to wind up over seas dealing with persons who refer you back to snapnames who says all sales are final?

Well all sales are not final all sales using a credit card are subject to review by the card company and the actions of snapnames are subject to a review of the consumers affairs beaureau of Oregon or the city of Portland?

And finally the court of consumer opinion.

If snapnames wnats to dump consumers to overseas entities who cannot communicate effectively and are impotent to resolve the issue of not being able to log on, then who needs snapnames?
I want to unite this deal and will see to it that it will be untied.

Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
Address: 115 NW 1st Ave, Suite 300
Phone: 8003854075
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Domain Registry Of America
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