Lbhdhch3 - Unique Mineral Cosmetiques - Crystal Holly - Becky Holly - Don Holly Crystal Adams
Lbhdhch3 - Unique Mineral Cosmetiques - Crystal Holly Becky Holly - Don Holly - Crystal Adams ripoff disreputable ebay mineral cosmetique vendo

Internet & Web

This story was a nightmare from start to finish.

I won an auction for $. 99 & $8.00 shipping for 50 10 gm sifter jars on EBay from a seller whose sign on is lbhdhch3 that was the 23rd of May they also have a website that they do business on. Five days later May 28th I won another listing of 450 jars, 250 10 gm jars and 200 5 gm jars. When I received an acknowledgment of payment with a promise they would be shipped right out from the vendor for the 450 jars I realized that I never had received the same for the 50 jars that I won first. After several emails and me turning down a second chance to purchase more jars due to lack of response to my emails, on June 2nd I finally received an email that was somewhat vague about a small building emergency and promising to get back to me later on in the afternoon.

June 6th I receive another email explaining that all of their stock had been destroyed and they would not be getting another shipment in until June 9th. Like an idiot, I actually believed them and felt sorry for them.

June 12th I received a message via Pay Pal saying that they had printed a label to ship my order. Later I received an email from customer service person Becky saying that I should receive one package on Wednesday June 14th and one package on Thursday June 15th.

June 20th 1 package arrived via USPS tracking number 9106 1501 3471 1491 2834 00, but when I opened it there were only 200 of the 250 10gm jars zero 5gm jars and some spatulas that I hadn't even ordered. I noticed that there was some hand written notation on the box about a backorder. I immediately sent an email to Becky explaining that I had not received all of my order

June 21st, I receive an email telling me that they had problems printing out the address label, when I questioned them about having said that they already sent out the order and asked them to call me, I get an immediate notification from paypal saying that they have printed out the shipping label and no phone call.

June 22nd, I receive an email from Crystal Holly explaining to me that poor poor Becky is actually their employee, but that she sell their product on ebay and it is actually her store and that please don't give negative feedback because she is a college student who depends on Ebay to put herself through college. Then I get the hypocritical Bless you oh yeah and by the way, poor poor Becky's father is ill and don't worry, we will give you positive feedback once you confirm that all product has been received. Do you see the blackmail here?

June 24th, email from Becky this time; and by the way all emails are using the same stationary and the same email address; saying that she is sure that I have received my order by now and that Crystal is handling all of the ebay orders. She acknowledges that there are many customers who are upset.

June 26th, no order. I look on the seller's feedback and notice that another buyer is upset and that they left negative feedback and so of course the seller leaves negative feedback for them ruining their 100% positive rating. Buyer wants money back because no product has been sent and seller says that it has been sent and can prove with tracking number. I decide to contact the buyer and ask them what happened with their order.

June 27th, I open my email and there is an email from a third upset buyer who tells me that the other buyer (who left the negative) had forwarded my information on to her, she too had contacted the buyer who left the negative to see what her experience was. The 3 of us start comparing notes and find out that we are all being played, but with different stories.

June 27th, receive email from the buyer who left a negative telling me that seller Crystal Holly is now threatening her that she had better stop emailing and harassing Becky. Start suspecting that Crystal and Becky are the same person. Sent email to Becky/Crystal/Whoever telling them that I think I am about to get cheated and I know that if I leave bad feedback they will just ruin my 100% positive feedback rating. I map out everything that I have and have not received.
200 of the 250 10 gm sifter jars from order 9524202880 paid for 05/28/06
50 spatulas that I did not order that I notified you had been sent have offered to send them back, since they don't belong to me.
Zero of the 200 5 gm sifter jars from order 9524202880 paid for 05/28/06
Zero of the 50 10 gm sifter jars from order 9522547669 paid for 05/23/06

I break it down for them and let them know that if I do not have orders in their entirety by Friday June 30th I will dispute and leave bad feedback. If I receive all orders I will leave positive feedback and never be heard from again. I decide to call paypal who advise me to dispute both orders as one is not complete and the other has not even been acknowledged. I decide to wait until Friday deadline as I promised to do.
June 28th, receive email from Becky telling me that she knows that she has some very upset buyers and that she has been called names she has never heard before and people that told her that they hope that her father hurries up and dies so that they can get their orders. Then proceeds to tell me that she is working herself to death (my words) because she works every day until 10am until she has to go to the hospital and read to her poor dying father so that he will know that she is there. Then she rushes home to feed her starving little ones (my words) then goes back to work until 2 or 3 in the morning. What happened to poor Becky being a young college student? Where did these kids come from? When does she have time for college, which she desperately needs due to poor grammar and mis-use of words (Ex. She is going to feel my order. What if my order doesn't want to be felt?). Becky says that she would never leave bad feedback for me because I have been just wonderful and so patient. Receive email from buyer who left bad feedback, she has received her order, but it is missing the major component, the 3 oz of foundation. Receive email from second upset buyer saying that she received a package, but that it had the cheap natural jars in it instead of the nice sifter jars that she ordered. She says that she emailed seller and said hell no, this is not what I ordered. Finally receive my package to complete order number 9524202880 but still do not have the 50 10 gm jars from order 9522547669. Now I know that I am going to be cheated, the seller is simply going to claim that there are two tracking numbers for two orders. Finally figure out what seller sign on means, lbhdhch3.. Becky Holly, Don Holly, Crystal Holly, the 3 of us. Oh my gosh, Becky appears to be Crystal and Don's daughter.
June 29th, receive email from 2nd upset buyer name telling me that Becky is now emailing her and trying to intimidate her about buyer's gossip club and she might get pulled into a police investigation and a bunch of other garbage including acknowledging there is yet a four buyer named Sheila that is mad as hell and has been calling her every name in the book. The seller of course says that the buyer is trying to cheat her by claiming she didn't get her order. I send out email to Becky Holly (I'm sure she had a fit that someone had figured that one out) and remind her that tomorrow is Friday and that if they don't want yet another negative feedback and yet another dispute I suggest that if they haven't sent my order they do so by FedExing to via overnight express. I also tell them that I know that they haven't giving me my positive feedback for order number 9524202880 because they are going to double whammy me with negative feedback when I dispute 9522547669. I tell them that after tomorrow, the gloves are off, it is only $9.00, but it is my $9.00 and I won't take being cheated lying down. I told them that the mail comes at 12:00 and that if my second order is not in it, I know what I will be doing at 12:01
June 30th, received email from Paypal saying that my money had been refunded and the order has been cancelled. Now I am not out any money but basically the seller refused to go through with a sale that he committed to. Seller lists the reason for the cancellation as Threating messures escalated (their spelling, not mine). Now here comes the clincher. June 30th I receive two more emails from the seller with more excuses and deceit that they meant to send to someone else, and then another one telling me to disregard the email.

Boring as h*l copies of all emails, but here they are if you want to take a look.
Their acknowledgment of order 9524202880 05/28/06
Hello, Congrats on your purchase and Thank you for your quick payment. If you need anything please let me know.
Thank you,

On May 30th I sent these emails
Thanks so much Crystal and Don. I also won a 50 piece lot of 10 gram jars but haven't seen them or an acknowledgment; can you tell me how that order is coming along? Sorry, forgot to give you the item number 9522547669

June 1st I sent this email
Can I please get status on order mentioned below?

June 2nd I lost a bid for 350 more jars and when they offered me a second chance on the item I sent them via eBay messaging this email I would have been happy to accept this second chance offer, but I have emailed you several times to get the status on order 9522547669 that I won the bid on 5/23/06 and you haven't responded to my emails. I am starting to feel very uncomfortable about both of my transactions with you.

June 2nd, received this email We are sending this statement to all customers This is first contact just to let you know you have not been forgotten. We will email at a later time today. We have had a small Building emergency and are trying to get things in order. Please Bare with us...
Thank you Very Much,
Owner/C. Holly

We are aware that you have purchased other items from the store and we have received your payment and we will check your status for you... Thank you for being so patient and great...

June 6th received this email

Most of our stock was destroyed and we are awaiting for inventory to arrive we just got notice today. I am so so sorry are hands are tied and we do not have no option but to wait for shipment.
Thank you so much.
Owner: Crystal.
Important Delivery Information
Scheduled Delivery: 09-June
Shipment Detail
Ship To:

June 6th, sent this email
I am trying very hard to be patient and not cause any ill feelings, but it has now been 4 days since your last promise of communication and 2 weeks since I paid for my first order. I would truly appreciate some straight forward communication on when my orders will be sent. If the answer is that you don't ship for several weeks after payment is received, that is fine, I just need to know that so that I am not left wondering about the integrity of a vendor that I have not dealt with in the past.
Thank you in advance.

June 12th received this email
Your package will be shipped by PayPal Shipping with U.S. Postal Service!

Don holly used PayPal Shipping with U.S. Postal Service to create a shipping label for your package. Once the package is given to the Post Office (tm), it will be on its way to you!

You can track the package online at:

(ror redacted link for security purposes)

Please note: Tracking information is updated throughout the day, but most data is transmitted in the afternoon or evening. For example, if your Express Mail (R) package is mailed today at 10:00 A.M., you might not be able to view tracking information until the next day.

June 12th, received this email

Hello Sweetie,
You should get your first box by Wed. And your second box Thursday. Thank you so much for baring with us during our situation.

Tracking number Shipment # 91061501347114912*

June 20th, sent this email

Hate to be a pest, but one box finally arrived today with 200 10 gm sifter jars (my order is for 250) and some spatulas (my order did not include spatulas).in your last email you indicated that there would be two packages a day apart, so I assume that something will be here tomorrow. Also I am concerned because there is some writing on the box that indicates that something has been backordered, there was no indication of anything being backordered in your last correspondence. I would really appreciate some straight forward communication on both this order and the other order of 50 only 10 gm sifter jars.

June 21st, received this email

I tried contacting you again and I do not know if you received my email... Ebay is giving me trouble on printing your label, this is what it is saying

Seller Protection Policy:

Shipping Address:

My Name
My Address
United States
I am assuming since you got your first package it is safe to send your final package
So I will send... Thank you For emailing me.

Thank you,
Welcome Back anytime!

June 21st, sent this email
I Did receive the first package, and no, I did not receive this email. Did you send it through ebay or directly to my email address?

I thought that you had already sent the second package out. Do you want me to send the spatulas back? They were not on my order.

Would you please call me @ My number

June 21st, received this email.
Your package will be shipped by PayPal Shipping with U.S. Postal Service!

Don holly used PayPal Shipping with U.S. Postal Service to create a shipping label for your package. Once the package is given to the Post Office (tm), it will be on its way to you!

You can track the package online at:

(ror redacted link for security purposes)

Please note: Tracking information is updated throughout the day, but most data is transmitted in the afternoon or evening. For example, if your Express Mail (R) package is mailed today at 10:00 A.M., you might not be able to view tracking information until the next day.

June 22nd, received this email

The rest of your order has been taken care of.

As the owner of Unique mineral cosmetic's I will take this time to apalogize for your delivery of your products, this is not and will not be acceptable in
the future. The seller of our products on ebay is a very sweet and hardworking young lady and she sometimes tries to take on to much work at one time, so I have taken it on myself and with the help of 2 of my employees to help her get caught up... Thank you very much. Please if you have any problems contact us first before acting on negative feedback this is Becky's store and she counts
on the income for school.
Bless you.
Owner / C. Holly

To be honest Becky is dealing with a her father being very ill and it is not a positive situation for him, I love my employees and I will do whatever I can to help, She is behind with orders and I know buyers are frustrated so I hope to help her with smoothing out rough roads that have been created...
Positive feedback will be given upon confirmation all products have been recieved Thank you and Bless you for your patience.
C. Holly

June 24th, received this email

Your other order sent I am sure you received it by now,
I hope I got everything in there Please
Please let me know if everything is okay...
I realize that several people are upset about there orders, and I am only contacting a few people through my email Crystal My boss is handling ebay for me...
Thank you very much for being so great...

June 26th, sent this email
Still nothing. Mail has arrived for the day

June 26th, sent this email to buyer who left bad feedback for seller

I too am experiencing the same problem with the good folks at unique minerals and have gotten story after story. My first order was for 50 10 gm jars and they have had my money now for 33 days. The second order was for 250 10 gm jars and 200 5 gm jars... So far I have received 200 10 gm jars and when they have bothered to email me a host of stories, but no real answers. I see that a package left Kansas on Friday, so I am going to wait a few more days. I have up to 45 days to dispute. I do not want to leave bad feedback as they will just leave bad freedback for me. Crappy game. What happened to you?

June 26th received this email from buyer who left bad feed back

Join our club there are now three of us, that I know
I ordered the 1 year supply and have gotten excuse after excuse. My package was supposed to have left on the 14th prioty. Needless to say I got nothing. I have filed the dispute and then esculated it to a claim. Below is a copy of another email I got.

I noticed you had problems with seller: lbhdhch3.
I also have ordered & paid for my item from them on June 7 & still have received NOTHING and I keep leaving them messages & they do not reply back & if they do its something stupid & off the wall. They don't answer my questions & won't tell me when my item was sent.
Can you please tell me what your problem was exactly with them? I am ready to file a complaint with Ebay & I told them so also. I just don't want them to leave bad feedback for me after I leave it for them.
I hope you can help me out with some info about them.
Thanks in advance,
2nd upset buyer name

I wonder how many more people they are ripping off. Stay in touch,

Buyer who left bad feedback name

June 27th, received this email from the 2nd upset buyer

username, Buyer who left bad feedback name has sent me a copy of your email about unique minerals. I also have had problems with not receiving my item which I paid for on June 7 & huge lack of communication. Finally on Friday I threated them that I was going to turn them into Ebay if they did not communicate with me by Tuesday. I heard back Saturday right away but they did not answer any of my questions or tell me when my item was shipped. Just said this: hELLO,

Please let me know when you recive your package and pleae let me know if everything is allright. Thank you, You are great. And then this morning I got a notice from paypal that they got notice on 6/24 that my item was going to be shipped. Still nothing shows in tracking. They also added this note to my notice: Note from Seller: Please forgive me for your delayed package, I will spare you my personal sob story, But buyers like you are great to work with, I promise future purchases will be shipped next day.

We all need to do something about this. I am giving them til Wednesday to get shipping confirmation that it has left their hands. I too have not left negative feedback cuz they will also do it to me & I have 100% & don't want to ruin it! Members with great feedback like ours should not have to put up with this crap! Buyer that left bad feedback name had 100% also til their negative comment. And I see you also have 100%. I wonder how many others are waiting this long for their orders that we don't know about because they haven't left feedback yet! I'm not sure how to go about it yet cuz I have just started using Ebay quite abit, but we should all contact Ebay on the same day & report what is going on with this seller. I really want what I ordered so I have been very patient til this week after hearing about other members.
When did you pay for your order & did they tell you the rest of your order has been shipped?

June 27th, sent this email
I am noticing that there are other customers that seem to be experiencing the same sort of delays that I have been experiencing; they say they haven't received the product and you say that you have sent it and have proof via a tracking number. It is because of this that I feel the need to send this email as one more record that as of today 6/27/06 (I have saved all correspondences both yours and mine and will provide to pay pal dispute should the need arise) I have received the following:
Tracking number 9106 1501 3471 1491 2834 00 delivered 6/20/06 contained the following:
200 of the 250 10 gm sifter jars from order 9524202880 paid for 05/28/06
50 spatulas that I did not order that I notified you had been sent have offered to send them back, since they don't belong to me.
Zero of the 200 5 gm sifter jars from order 9524202880 paid for 05/28/06
Zero of the 50 5 gm sifter jars from order 9522547669 paid for 05/23/06

Today is Tuesday, so I do not think that it is unreasonable to expect that I will receive the remainder of my order (even if you have not send all of it yet) by Friday, June 30th. Tracking number 9102 1501 3471 1500 7320 60 which you did provide has been showing enroute since 6/23/06. We both know that I have been more than patient and do not deserve either this type of service or a poor mark as a customer. I have kept you apprised of everything throughout this entire transaction, though I cannot say the same for you. Your answers have not addressed my questions in regards to whether there were items backordered or what you wanted me to do with the spatulas and have been full of one excuse after another. If I have received my order in its entirety by Friday I will leave positive feedback and go on my merry way never to be heard from again. If I have not, I will put in a dispute and leave negative feedback and forward this email to paypal. Once again, I have been more than reasonable but have come to the end of my patience. If my order has been sent in its entirety at this moment I do apologize for wasting your time with this email, if it has not I highly recommend that you take corrective action immediately to meet the Friday deadline.
I do see that you have many repeat customers and know that no one would accept the service that myself and at least 2 other recent buyers have received and be back for more. I can only speculate that your repeat customers receive their orders in a timely fashion.
June 28th, received this email

In no way are you wasting my time... Your package has been sent, I know you will get it quickly, I know.
I do have several Buyers that are upset Yes, but believe me it is not intentional in anyway by all means... I have been told by buyers that I am a B&H and they hope my Dad would hurry up and die so they would get there items, and also 5 buyers are being investigated by ebay Law Enforcement by claiming no packages received but yet I have delivered verified tracking numbers and they are harassing me for more products, So as much as everyone believes I am not a thief that is taking there money and running, I have been cussed at with words I never even heard in my lifetime... But I understand why everyone is upset I have tried explaining to everyone that I am trying my best, My Boss and co-workers have offered to help but I choose to do it on my own it is my mess that I must take care of myself. So everyday I goto work tell 10am goto the hospital and read to my Dad to let him know that I am there I return back to work go home fix my kids something to eat and then goto work tell 2 or 3am and work on ebay orders. So with all the wholesalers that I have acquired I am getting off ebay and just feeling bulk orders...

I know you are thinking the same as others and it does not matter to you, and that is fine... I am sorry for upsetting you... I am so truly sorry, I cannot put it in any other words.

Please let me know when you receive your order I know you should get it today or tomrw, If there is anything at all wrong please let me know... And keep the spatulas. And I do not leave negative feedback unless it is deserved, which you have been nice to me.
Thank you

June 29th, sent this email

Becky Holly,
Just a reminder that tomorrow is the Friday deadline for this order (952254766) before I leave negative feedback and dispute. I notice that even though I left positive feedback (which I more than deserve) for the large order that you have not given me my feedback for the order. Could that be because you are waiting to double whammy me with negative feedback when I dispute this order? Wanna take a wager? Becky Holly, after tomorrow, the gloves are off and it may only be $9.00, but I will not be cheated and take it lying down.By the way, you still have time to send me my order and have it arrive in time if you send it FedEx. My patience for you and your stories has gone out the window. Mail arrives my time at noon. I have a feeling I know what I will be doing at 12:01

June 30th, received these emails

I want to make sure that this is on ebay email records... I veiwed this listing that you are claiming was the mistake of the seller and It clearly states the type of jars and has a detailed picture on the page of what jars you were purchasing. I will once again say our return policy is 7 days.

I do not want to leave this on a sour note, So please email us with your decission.
Thank you very much,

I am sorry please diregard last email refund has been given...
Thank you

Buena Park, California

Company: Lbhdhch3 - Unique Mineral Cosmetiques - Crystal Holly - Becky Holly - Don Holly Crystal Adams
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Goodman
Address: RT B 2438-8
  <     >  


Lbhdhch3 - Unique Mineral Cosmetiques
Crystal Holly Becky Holly - Don Holly - Crystal Adams This seems to be where the nightmare began for all of us!

Unique Mineral Cosmetic's - Don Holly - Crystal Holly - Becky Holly - Lbhdhch3
Mineral Cosmetic - Unique Mineral Cosmetics - Don Holly - Crystal Holly - Becky Holly ripoff Goodman

Unique Mineral Cosmetic's, Lbhdhch3, Becky Holly, Don Holly, Crystal Holly, Crystal D Adams
Unique Mineral Cosmetic's, Lbhdhch3, Becky Holly, Don Holly, Crystal Holly, Crystal Adams online mineral makeup business, deception, rip off, scam artists, fraudulant business practices, liars, corrupt companies, disreputable ebay use

Ada Livyatan Dba Paid for item but never received, VERY poor communication, BOGUS COMPANY!

KC Heus (Carson Heussner) discountedsurplus
KC Heus, Carson Heussner, discountedsurplus Is a THIEF! He pocketed my money and never sent item Scottsdale, AZ 85271

Consumer Report

Trading Circuit
Circuit CIty's Ebay Division Ripoff VINDICTIVE SCAMMERS!

AllThingsRenaissance*com, All Things Renaissance, Leather Mystics

Laurel Nguyen
"Laurie's Shop", "Bare Escentuals 4 You" Ebay Stores Seller that leaves negative feedback wilthout reason, retaliates with negatives if you ask questions, will not answer all emails, phone calls from customers

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Ohms Gifts - EBay Seller: Fandimo - ripoff BUYER BEWARE Internet