Best Buy
DOESN'T TREAT PEOPLE WITH RESPECT Best Buy, lies to customers and makes excuses. Ripoff Peoria, Illinois

Internet & Web

I purchased a Labtop computer at Best Buy in Peoria IL. Before I purchsed the labtop I wanted some guarntees that if there was any issues that the labtop could be returned within 14 days. The Employee that sold it to me from the computer department stated to me that there would be no problem with that and that there would be no fees if the computer was returned within 14 days. I pointed out to him that no where on the form that he wanted to have me sign did it say that and that I wanted some guarantees. I told him that I was not going to purchase the labtop unless I had this guarantee. He continued to stated that there would be no problems and I told him that I wanted it in writing. He put it in writing and initialed it.

There ended up being a problem. I tried to return the product within the 14 days and they would not honor what their employee told me. They would not honor the fact that their employee put it in writing. They wanted to charge me a 15% fee to take the computer back. The General Manager wouldn't listen and when I ask that she get the sales person on the phone she stated to me that he has been there a long time and would never had done that.

Well I informed her that all she had to do is take a look at my copy that I had, and if she wanted verication, all she had to do was get the original copy of the form that the company had on file. I went back later in the day to give the the time to research what I said. At this point I already felt bad about Best Buy. The manager had called me a liar. She wouldn't listen. To not take my suggestion to investigate and look at the original copy, was a slap in the face. When I went back the manager didn't even come out to speak with me about it. She hid back in her office and refused to talk to me about it any further.

Instead she sent another employee to inform me of what they wanted to do. 15% is a big amount of money when it comes to such a large purchase. I told the person that did the sale that I wouldn't buy without a guarantee. Best Buy didn't honor their employees word.

I left angry and pissed at the store and then I called the 1-800 number I was given to register a complaint. The person that I talked to said that it is Best Buy policy to always charge a fee no matter what and they did not even have to consider a return if it was over 14 days. I told them about the written guarantee of their employee and they informed me that the employee didn't have the right to give me that guarantee. I told them that he did, while he was working for their company and therefore they were legally required to honor it.

They said that no they did not, and tried to give me an outrageous example of an employee selling the building was beyond his power so therefore Best Buy didn't have to honor that. I felt like the gentleman that I was talking to was trying to treat me like I didn't know what I was talking about. I told him that I would not have purchased the system without this guarantee and it was given me.

Common sense states that one doesn't follow an employee that tries to sell the building. That is just idiotical. This was the sale of a product that Best Buy sold, the Employee gave the guarantee, and Best Buy was legally required to honor it. Best Buy said that no they didn't and they were not going to.

I asked about the employee getting talked to about his failings then. The person on the phone said that they had no way of knowing who sold it to me. Again, I wondered what was this gentlemans point. He tried to treat me like an idiot. So I asked him questions about the fact the employee put his guarantee down and initialed it. I was told that that doesn't matter, and was apparently not proof of who sold it to me. So then I asked them questions about employees signing on to registers. Any company that does business doesn't allow an employee to just use a register without having a sign on. This is necessary for security. The gentleman tried to tell me that there was no way they could trace who rang it up. Again I questioned him. He didn't even want to acknowledge the fact there were so many ways that they could find out who the employee was. They couldn't take anything I had to say as being accurate, and therefore they had no reason to believe what I had to say. Again, This was a slap in the face.

Best Buy In my opinion doesn't treat its customers with dignaty. If it comes down to honor, Best Buy is obviously without any. While they made me stand around, I watched as other customer tried to return an item, an HP DVD Burner, and apparently it was the second one they had to make the return on because it wasn't a good product. They were treated poorly by the customer service person as well.

I left Best Buy that day realizing that the company really doesn't care about its customers and will call them liars even when you have proof of everything that you were saying.

Galesburg, Illinois

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 5001 N Big Hollow Rd, Peoria, Illinois 61615
Phone: 3096890277
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