Healthy Discount Card
Ripoff, credit card scam, misrepresented services stating 7 day free trial & then billed. Phillipines

Internet & Web

On January 9th we found what we thought would be this wonderful site off of which to download music for $1.00 per month. The first 7 days were to be a free trial. We were so wrong. First, nothing would download. We finally gave up and cancelled on-line.

Three days later, my debit card was charged $59.95. A few days later I was charged another $79.95. I only found this out when my account ended up overdrawn and I was accrueing overdraft charges which I didn't understand. The bank gave me the phone # of Healthy Discount Card, doing the billing for Download Unlimited Music. I began calling and to this date have probably placed at least 8 calls.

I was told we had to cancel by calling, not online. Good luck finding a phone # on that site! So, on the 16th or 17th of January I cancelled BY PHONE! & requested an immediate refund. I was told it would take 25-30 days. I let them know this was not acceptable as it took them only 3 days to charge my account.

Well, here we are as of March 3rd and I'm still waiting. I have called & called and have been continuously put off. "We understand your concern maam, but due to technical difficulties, we have been unable to process your refund." We are now 50 days into this. I asked to speak to a supervisor and there is never one available. I asked to be put through to the billing dept. And they are not "authorized" to put calls through to the billing dept. I asked for the address of the corporate office and they are not "authorized" to give that information. I did manage to find out that they are operating out of the Phillipines with no corporate office in the United States.

I'm not giving up on this and I hope any of you out there who have experienced the same, won't either.

Company: Healthy Discount Card
Country: Philippines
Phone: 8006494065
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