Com - tigerdirect - onrebate rebate ripoff

Internet & Web

I bought three items from the online website tigerdirect.com. After I received my products I sent in my three rebates. Three weeks later, I received only one rebate check. I thought maybe the other two will come late so I waited, it has been three months now and i still have not received it.

I went back on to the website and found my tracking numbers. It said that one of it was not sent because I did not sign a form. The funny thing was that I made clear that all the forms were signed, so how can that be.

I called the customer service and they gave me the number to onrebate.com. I called the onrebate customer service and that company told me to call the manufacturer company, so i did. When I talked to the customer sevice on the manufacturer end they said that they don't deal with rebate for a year now.

Both company, tigerdirect and onrebate gave me the run anound. I am really unhappy with both of the companies.

Company: Tigerdirect
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Naperville
Address: 175 Ambassador Drive
Phone: 8008886111
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TigerDirect, onrebate.com ripoff dishonest fraudulent rebates

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