Smart Certify
Ripoff, not enough time to complete all the course, would not let me finish it up later even after I told them I was pregnant.internet

Internet & Web

This company has ripped me off I feel like I was not given enough time to go through all of the courses.

I told them I was pregnant and all they wanted to do is charge me more money to extend the time. I was already going to school and working at the time.

Now they are calling me every month trying to get me to spend more money, I feel like the 1000. I spent wasn't even worth it!

Company: Smart Certify
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Smart Certify - GE Care Credit
Ripoff biggest scam ever using ge care credit

Smart Certify Direct - Skill Soft - ELearning
Ripoff, liars, scams, worthless training

Smart Certify Direct
Ripoff lies, cheats and steals! Someone has to STOP THEM!

Smart Certify
RIPOFF False Claims

Smart Certify

Smart Certify
The most worthless tutorial that exists! Screwed others too slime-ball the business that doesn't give a dam screwed many others too

Skillsoft - CBT - Smart Certify Direct
Smart Certify - Smart Certify clearly trains their sales professionals how to take the money and run, as they did me and advoided me til after the 30days

Smart Certify Direct
Lies, cheats and steals! Rip-off!

Smart Certify Direct
I took an online course with them and paid in full now I cant take an exit exam to get my degree in Medical Coding they wont let me in to finish my course with the email address I have and it cost me over 2000.00 dollars ripoff Clearwater Florida

Smart Certify - (CBT Direct
Smart Certify - CBT Direct Ripoff Robbed me without a weapon