Email Discount Network - Product test Panel
Scamming my roommate on her Sprint phone bill, ripoff

Internet & Web

I do not know who or what this company is but I know they have 2 charges on the Sprint phone bill totalling $29 and my roommate is livid — we both called this company yesterday and they claim that the phone bill will see the credits within one or two billing cycles — until I see this I will not hold my breath.

The phone is not even in my name but they are just adding charges — they said that I authorized this because I filled in a survey??? It apparently has something to do with who I have also filed a report with — since apparently they are sharing my info with other people and then these incompetent lamebrains are charging fees.

I can not believe this type of dishonesty — I can not believe that the world has come to this — that all anyone does is bait and switch people or just plain out of nowhere start scamming people — this is ridiculous and I will contact a lawyer on this.

These people must be prosecuted for their dirty dealings and neither I nor anyone else should tolerate these unlawful business practices — all I can say is that I better see the credit they promised on the phone bill very soon.

This is illegal and will force this email discount network out of business if it is the last thing I do — I do not even own a home computer — why on earth are people being charged fees for this crap — This company will not live to see its quarterly earnings or rather scammings!

Company: Email Discount Network - Product test Panel
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Plantation
Address: 1844 Nob Hill Road, #142
Phone: 8007308199
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Product Test Panel - - Email Discount Network

Email Discount Network
Ripoff and took my money without authorization or knowledge

Sprint Pcs
Don't use!

Sales person double speak

EMAIL Discount Network

Sprint Pcs
Billing ripoffs

Ripoff SPRINT plays dumb to collect huge profits

Sprint nextel telephone network Fraudulent fees charged, aggressive sales marketing rewarded

Calvary Portfolio
Ripped me off big time ripoff

Email Discount Network
Ripoff HIdden Phone Bill Charges From You Never Knew You Signed Up