Big rip off! Misleading, fraudulent claims of reliable web hosting service, NEVER WORKS, takes your money but give absolutely NO support

Internet & Web

I ordered this service after cancelling with Dell Host, because I was unsatisfied with the service I was receiveing and found a better deal with (They boast $4.95/mo. Paid annually up front, no set up fees, like 99% uptime, blah blah blah)

They were REAL quick to process my order within a couple hours I would say, but otherwise I have heard NOTHING from them, my site has not worked yet, at all. There is no phone number, there is no physical address, and the only email address they supply you with sends you an automated response telling you to go to their online help desk.

The online help desk is a JOKE because after about 3 or 4 hours of entering in all your information (your username, domain name, problem and email address) the "call" is then deleted from their que and you are ignored or dumped. I highly doubt anyone is even reading them (the help desk calls). Actually I highly doubt anyone is there period!

I have contacted the credit card company to try and get my money back, that will take time, in the mean time I plan on harassing the robo-moron at the other end of: and and at the help desk site at

AKA Net Specialist Pty. Ltd.

Don't give away your hard earned money to them they are BOGUS!

California, California

Country: USA
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Net Specialist Pty. Ltd. aka
Suckiest thing I've ever seen on the web, a fraudulent shameless company ripping people off of their hard earned money while they sit back and do nothing!

Do not use hostonce

COM PTY LTD RIPOFF THEFT I am disputing and they are NOT getting any free money from ME. This is bogus. What a scam NATIONWIDE / Net Specialist Ltd Net Specialist Ltd deceptive company false advertising ripoff USA USA
Host Internet service rip-off waste of time

Net Specialist Pty. Ltd. aka
Terrible service Describe themselves as "reliable hosting" I've logged 6 tickets with them in 3 weeks ripoff waste of time
Poor and Discontinued Support

Verizon, Bell Atlantic, Interland, GT Internet
Verizon, Bell Atlantic, Interland, GT Verizon domain email support is a totall ripoff fraud business, fraudulent ripoff business, false promises, deceptive company, consumer rip-off fraud New Jersey

Customer Service

Portable Computers Inc
Portable Computers, Inc Interview Via Yahoo! Messenger SCAM Sacramento