Trade-in rip-off

Internet & Web

I bought a Gateway computer in Feb. 2000 based on their adds saying they would protect me from obsolecence in 2 years by upgrading me to a new, computer in 2002. I figured there would be a small cost to me of myabe a couple hundred bucks to send in my old one and get a new one, sparing me from having to buy a brand new one at full cost. Wrong. I called them today and they said they will give me $85 for my "old" 2000 computer and they even suggested that I might be better of donating to a charity. They even admitted over the phone that about 9 months ago they came to the conclusion that this deal was a bad thing, so I guess they scrapped it. I'd really like to file a class action suit. Any lawyers out there?

Company: Gateway
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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