
Internet & Web

Two months ago I had as my internet service provider. As I wanted to quit the service to benefit of a lower price on the market, I called customer service and asked the representative to cancel my account with the company, which he or she did.

Three weeks later, I received a letter from the company telling me that I broke a contract; consequently, I will be charged fifty dollars. As soon as I read that, I furiously called customer service.

A representative told me that I had a contract in one of numerous times that I called before to quit the service. I acknowledge that I called the service several times before to quit the service, but the represenatatives have always found something sweet to tell me to make me change my mind. However, I did not sign any contract, verbally or in writing.

Following this debate with the representative, we reached an agreement that I would not be charged of any penalty.

About three or four weeks later, as I was checking bank account, I saw there was a fifty dollar withdrawal from my account. I called customer service to tell them how outrageous I was because I thought this affair was of the past. The representative told me that was that.

I cannot let the company do away with fact like that. At least, I have to voice it outs so other people know how they do business.

Company: AOL -
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: P.O. BOX 17175
Phone: 8882658003
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