Best Buy
Ripoff -their rip off return policy and restock fee ruined eveyrthing for me! / i had all the problems-returned damaged sony viao laptop/got the three tech and manager no show-no return phone call/household bank -their compadre has ruined my life

Internet & Web

The horror of this is that I'm not just getting ripped off but my life has been a nightmare dealing with the situation! I returned a damaged Sony Viao laptop three days after puchase for a host of problems I had from the get go.

I searched the web sites for info on the computer and the major techie sites confirmed that there were major problems with this computer, THAT SONY KNOW ABOUT. I returned the computer with the list of complaints, the techie info. Well, not only was I treated like dirt, but the first BB tech that opened the computer had problems turning the thing on, but then three other techs joined in and started argueing with me, aid I downloaded the problem from the internet, did the three tech, going to the back room shuffle, stated their store manager would not come out to talk to me, etc., etc., etc.

So I was charged the restock fee after an hour of argueing my point about the return policy for damaged goods and having endured an hour of insults, being ganged-up on by not one but four "behing the counter" tech heads and when I told them that I would contest it with Household band they laughed! Said a snippy good luck and said. We (meanig Best Buy) will just deny there was any problem and they (meaning household bank) won't remove the charge.

So, I went up the ladder, called the corporate offices. I asked to speak to a district manager and was told I was speaking to one, we got cut off and I called back and I asked to speak to a dm again and was told there were no managers to talk to but I could file my complaint and I did. I asked for the DM name and was given a name I called and never got return calls.

I called the store several times and never got a return call. I got a phone message a week later from the corporate office that they researched the problem based on my receipt and store report that the restock fee applies. I tried to dispute the problem with Household Bank but after several months, numerous phone calls from their collection agencies and severe damage to my credit they still say its out of their hands and I should contact Best Buy as to their return policy!!! How ignorant!

After I explained in detail that was the problem in the first place! Best Buy and HSB are in cahoots!!! And Sony comes out at the innocent in all this because their merchandise - a lot of it shold thru BB - just happened to be a part of the problem and doesn't come out as being the cause of the problem...

SONY KNOWINGLY DISTRIBUTED A FAULTY PRODUCT... Is what the tech at another repair storehad to say. I've been shafted by three corporate giants and they are all getting away with it... And my life is ruined.

The kicker is that this problem, is not unique and when you search the sites, it's still allowed to happen because these companies are not held accountable... And innocent people are having their lives ruined because they have no recourse If anyone out there can help... Please help...

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Wilkes-Barre Twp
Address: Arena Hub Plaza
  <     >  


Best Buy
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