Nancobbler One Ebay
Ripoff, lied, illegal use of paypal information, never refunded my money for damaged video, ebay will NOT repsond Nancobbler used my payment information to illegally call my office and harass me, They never refunded me my money for damage INTERNET

Internet & Web

Nancobbler sent me my order, although promised to arrive wihthin 11 days or less, more than 4 weeks after my order, and then only because i called them many times. At first they wouldn't respond to my emails or calls, and when they finally did the emails were horribly nasty with profanity, etc. I never left them or wrote them any negative email, just inquiring as to when my order would come.

Nancobbler (and robin who works there), told me that if i didn't like their service than to go somewhere else, and then used my private (at least i thought) payment information to call my office!!! And complain and harass me!

My office manager and president finally, i have the documentation, had to issue a formal letter to nancobbler to not call or e-mail me again, as well as having to block their e-mail and phone numbers.

I received my tape crushed, but any attempts trying to get my payment back were useless. Nancobbler never answered any of my emails and ebay never! Helped at all, they kept saying to file my complaint with another department, after months of trying to get help.

There are over 300 negative feedbacks on nancobber, a "powerseller" on ebay, all the same information as myself, and ebay refuses to help any of their customers.

It is only after being contacted by 10 other people who were ripped off by nancobbler and couldn't get help from ebay, that i found this site. Hopefully someone will be able to help to prevent any more innocent people from being ripped off and thier information used illegally.

Thank you so much for your time.

Company: Nancobbler One Ebay
Country: USA
Site: on (
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Nancobbler And EBay
Nancobbler S Movies And More False advertising, ripoff defective merchndise, failure to make refund, threats, rude, uncommunicative

Nancobler's Movies And More - Robin Kay
Ripoff False advertising, shipped defective merchandise, refused to make full refund

Nancobbler Movies And More Aka Robin Kay
Nancobbler Movies And More Robin Kay Lied, retalitory feedback slow shipping, rude threatening e-mail ripoff

EBay Inc
Ebay tried to stop a state investigation of a powerseller, protects powerseller against injured customers, and stonewalls all victim requests for performance info on the powerseller

Lukas M Palys
Ripoff sent money recieved nothing ripoff artists fraud

Rip-off will only help the Scammers and send form letters to customers that got ripped off

Ebay suspended my seller's account due to seller non-performance. They will not reinstate it and i have offered to do whatever it takes. They closed it based on a few negative feedbacks and won't allow me to get them removed

Did not send item ordered after payment processed

Ebay - Fieroguyz
Ripoff artist and liar! EBAY and PAYPAL are useless to resolve complaints!

Ebay Seller Wubber_ducky Aka Bill J. Walcutt
Ripped off by Ebay Seller Wubber_Ducky AKA Bill J. Walcutt of Portland Oregon