SOYO Rebate Center
Rebate ripoff on motherboard purchase. Rebate ripoff!

Internet & Web

Purchased a SOYO motherboard from Tirger Direct, located in Florida on 4/09/04. Received the item on 4/11/04 and filled the rebate form on 4/14/05. The rebate had to be processed before 4/30/04.

After numerous internet checs on their address we finally got the date of approval which was 08/25 17:16: 33 (Approved) after waiting several weeks we contacted them by phone and Clarisa said it was approved and a check would be mailed out Friday.
A week later I again called the company (909) 292-2500 and told them the check did not arrive. She said oh! We will have it in the mail this voming Friday, give it four to five days.

As of this date it still has not been received.
I hope that other individuals blacklist SOYO and do not purchase their products. Also that the government steps in and puts laws in affect to penalize the companies that sell products witrh a rebate and the customer does not receive that rebate as offered.

Also I called Tiger Direct at 1-800-800-8300 and they said they could not help me but to call SOYO as it wasn't their problem.

Company: SOYO Rebate Center
Country: USA
State: California
City: Diamond Bar
Address: 1142 S. Diamond Bar Blvd #507
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SOYO Rebate Center
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Soyo Rebate Center
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Saying they did not receive (2) rebate forms for motherboard purchased at