Premier Premium Communications

Internet & Web

I received a bill for $60, Plus was charged on my phone bill for another around $25, for calls that were not made from my house. We were not home at the time in question. I tried contacting the company and was unsuccessful over the phone. I emailed and received a response from a George with very vague answers. I do not know if my claim is taken seriously and am very upset about such a bill. I really need some action and these two bills taken care of.

Company: Premier Premium Communications
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Address: PO Box 155579
Phone: 8009189057
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Premier Premium Communications
Premier Premium Communication A dialer program on my computer dialed out to a UK number and I got a bill for $250 and phone bill for $60

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff Over $730 in Charges for calls made when no one was at home

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Ripoff nationwide scam threats of lawsuits bad credit report and Fort Worth Texas

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff This is a scam and should be dealt with accordingly Fort Worth Texas

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff fraudulant calls to the Unoted Kingdom, England, Reno Nevada Bedford Fort Worth New Hampshire

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff never used but being charged

Premier Premium Communications

Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff dishonest fradulent billing for usage we did not use

Premier Premium Communications