Wow! Internet, cable, phone wideopenwest communications failure! Carol Stream

Internet & Web

Wide Open West has, over the past several years, tried to grow without causing pain and suffering to their customer base. It is with simple honesty that I can say this has and never will occur, because there have been numerous instances where I have lost my phone, cable and internet service without any warning regardless if they were "upgrading" and knew there would be interference providing any of these services to their customers.

Recently I received an actual letter from their Chairwoman apologizing profusely for their oversight on these matters, with numerous similar email correspondence flooding my inbox; stating that WOW! Has upgraded their service and have more access to customer service than every before. However, they have shown again, that they are not up to the task. Over the past several days the picture from their cable has been jumping, stopping and in queue to run normally, but it has not.

Today, it is worthless. I have tried calling their customer service number at 866-496-9669 but cannot get through, because that too, is obviously not working. I dare say that none of the leadership in this organization is working let alone managing to actually do something about the consistently poor performance WOW! Provides. I have sent an email to at least seven of these "leaders" to let them know that they are either asking me or telling me to get another provider. Enough already!!

Company: WideOpenWest
Country: USA
Phone: 8664969669
Site: wideopenwest.com
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