Com does not pay! Over 100 article published, I am ranked 160 out of thousands of writers and was never paid a dime!

Internet & Web

I wrote and published approximately 120 articles for Examiner.com. They never paid me. I was given the run around. I was given one excuse after the next. Examiner.com gets paid for your work by advertisers but does not pay you. A former examiner employee posted the following.

Petrified8501-13,05:23 AM I am a former employee of Examiner.com and I need to warn you of what is happening. The site is nothing but a scam. You think you are being paid every month, but Examiner, at certain points, freezes your page views no matter how many page hits you get. They do this for about a half hour each day. Sometimes, they reduce your page views at the very end of the evening. Very few people have noticed or complained.

There have been several examiners who haven't been paid for their work. I wish I knew of anybody suing them because I would be a witness.

Writing for this site will look bad on your resume. Examiner.com has a bad reputation and there is a reason why. Up until recently, there was no quality control (and there still isn't much). People have put up the most laughable articles in order to get page hits.instead of having the channel managers actually check content before it gets displayed, they put up a "Report Article" button so people who don't like your article can complain about it. ONLY THEN do they actually look at your article. It doesn't matter if it's a good article. If you write about - lets say - Michael Jackson and his crazy fans complain, the article will be deleted, even if you are telling the truth. They don't have a political preference like some people claim, but if you don't like an article about - let's say - Barack Obama, you can complain ten different times under a different guise. They will delete the article and give the author a warning. QUALITY DOESN'T MATTER at Examiner.com.

Please don't fall for their scam. You can bet that the page view rate will sharply decrease in the next couple of months because a lot of advertisers have caught on t

Company: Examiner.com
Country: USA
Site: examiner.com
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Baltimore Health Examiner. I wrote on line articles relating to local health topics

Examiner Avoiding actual pay. Chicago, L.A., New York

I was not paid for over $200 worth of work at Examiner, com

Alliance One
Article about Alliance One practices

Theexaminer.com Require Social Security Number to contribute to website

Megan Pittsley and Examiner.com
Megan Pittsley is acting as a shill for Examiner.com

Don't pay you

Examiner.com withholding earned pay

Very Shady Company in

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