Darren Osterloh
O.D. Irresponsible/total ripoff eye doc.in California

Health & Medicine

I went to this doctor for contact prescrition early this month. After trying 1 pair and additional 1 just for one eye, I found out none of them works for me (I have more than 10 years of experience of wearing contact). The doc. Suggested me to go for other doc for a second oppinion and refused to work with me to find other solutions. The whole time I only got to talk to the assistants and the only thing they said was there is nothing they can do after they claimed the money from my insurance.

I am simply stuck with them becasue I only get to have one exam per year and since they have claimed the insurance I will have to wait until next year. I asked to have another exam with this doc and asked him to help me find something else, he wouldnt even talk to me. I am paying for nothing to this greedy doc.

I just want to address the issue that an unethical doc like this should not be toleranted. Doctors do not care about patients but whether they will get the money from the insurance company should be punished, and their license should be suspended.

Also, I want everyone to know that Darren Osterloh is definitely not the doc you ever want to visit. Dont be another victim like myself.

Company: Darren Osterloh
Country: USA
State: California
City: Westlake Village
Address: 3900 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd
Phone: 8057778888
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