Apria Healthcare
CPAP products

Health & Medicine

For years I received my CPAP products without issues. Even after moving they mailed them to me. Then this year I was informed that they no longer supported my area... Ok, no problem. I received a bill, I called and they said they hadn't submitted to my insurance and would do that and send a revised bill. A month later I get a call from a collection company. No new bill, no phone call, no contact. They still call me monthly to inquire if I need supplies even though they don't support my location. Like many companies these days Apria does NOT follow a process to a resolution. My saying is, "they don't close their circles".

Company: Apria Healthcare
Country: USA
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Apria Healthcare
Billing department - CPAP billing dept

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Cpap machine

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Apria marks up DME up to 500%! Ripoff

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Contract for medicare compliance/private insurance billings, intrusion in my life

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Customer service

Apria Healthcare
Consumer Report

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Is asking me to pay for a maintainance fee that I never purchased

Apria Healthcare Spokane
After paying $105 for the repair, I get a bill for an addtional $425 nine months later

Apria Healthcare
Unethical Billing Practices

Apria HealthCare
Incorrect billing practices and horrible customer service