Governor John Kasich
Would rather 'kill' a woman MD by having her slowly fracture every major bone due to an untreated bone condition than have the State Medical Board admit administrative negligence in taking her license

Health & Medicine

Governor Kasich would rather 'kill' someone with medical neglect and wrong care/diagnosis - fabricate a personality problem (and politicians have the 'disagree' personality disease in spades - not the trait) - than admit that the Ohio Medical Board made a mistake in taking the license of a woman MD for objecting to the wrong care of herself - admittedly wrong care of 'boys being boys.' And actually it's not a DSM diagnosis to disagree with the wrong medical/orthopedic care of yourself - the insurance companies won't pay for that care. But you can't tell Mr. Whitehouse this - he doesn't answer his cell phone (current Executive Director of the State Medical Board of taking physician licenses for objecting to wrong care - they actually tell you this in Columbus - calling it 'making too much').

The irony was/is that the Medical Board admits that the 'boys were being boys, ' and that the care had complications for over a year - serious ones that this woman's parents & family were supposed to pay for - but that the woman MD 'handled it wrong' by reporting it - she was just supposed to play along with the boys. But boys are supposed to grown up, even Governors; boy-toys are out except if you are JLo and can pay for the toy. And about 40-some states have medical mistake laws that tell physicians just how to handle the medical mistakes that happen, so that they can't be accused of this rot, but Ohio has yet to admit the problem of medical mistakes (the boys) - everyone just lies along with the general psychosis. The roads are good, but the thinking is a mess in Ohio.

Boys being boys is allowed in Ohio, from the Governor on down; John, Brad, Rick and the boys. The joke in Columbus is that the women there 'take their daily testosterone' - that's a guy legislative joke, but it's pretty accurate - it's all boys in Columbus. But just not letting the woman MD get the correct treatment - for 19 years - keeping her fracturing bones (not preggers just in casts & splints) - and not allowing her to move to a state where the boys are supposed to be men and responsible professionals - is just plain stupid - a waste.

The cost to the Ohio taxpayer: each false case at the State Medical Board costs the taxpayers of Ohio somewheres over $500,000. But then Governor Kasich's choices on the State Medical Board of Ohio couldn't figure out a medical mistake if you tutored them, and they don't do accounting, don't do ethics, and they don't do medicine - they are talking heads on a prestigious Board that is just show and no substance. Anita Steinbergh DO can't discuss medical anything - she tells you outright to just lie to get your license back - but what lie will work? - and that she's not responsible for anything (for the last 20 years).

But killing someone who never hurt you, or who really can't sue the State of Ohio if she wants a moment's peace for what's left of her life - that's just cruel, cold-hearted insanity - of the type that was responsible for the 'solutions' of WWII - for the women that Hitler hated. It doesn't make any sense. But there's apparently a stack of false physician cases - admitted by Tom Dilling in 1998-9 and yet unresolved - for everything from not referring to the 'right' physician, to objecting to rather obvious suable neglectful medical care - all of which Governor Kasich has no time for between 'takes' for Meet the Press. Well, it's starting to shape-up that Ohioans would like to suggest that Governor Kasich would just get a job on Meet the Press - he's not really into being a Governor - just a celebrity. He's another photo-op on the job.

But what did these falsely charged and punished physicians ever do to him to deserve this awful treatment? It's not their patient care or their drug or alcohol use, they admittedly practiced above average for the State of Ohio = that was the problem = they had to be taken out of the equation of patient care because complications are money. Bad care is profitable.

The State Medical Board of Ohio still acts on the antediluvian 'confidential' complaint system - and 'confidential' by its definition can't be checked, verified or have the 'confidential' person held responsible or expose their conflicts-of-interest. It's like the French Revolution, with colleagues ratting on colleagues to get them out of business - they pass the tests too well - nothing really to do with royalty; getting rid of heads was the object. Hitler kept control over his advisors by having them taken out, one by one, by 'confidential' accusations. Didn't like what someone told him, they were 'confidentially' accused of something where they had to resign.

The 'confidential' physician complaint system - which only Texas and Ohio still have - is a complete cop-out of completely stupid men - who can't prove cases, or get cases because the negligent physicians are their friends. Well, then make medical mistake laws, and allow the mistakes without penalty - that's what Ohio male physicians want - but mandate referral and some improvement in the number of mistakes. But no - that's too difficult for the legislators and the Governor to wrap their brains around - no one has any higher thinking or common sense in Columbus, as at the Cleveland Clinic ORs, the help has admittedly got a 'touch' of Alzheimer's disease - and patients & physicians are just supposed to 'understand' the bad care & the mistakes. But killing someone for this folly?

Even Texas has had to reform their confidential physician complaint system, and the lawyers in Texas acknowledge the problems and the tremendous waste of this system. If patients have a real complaint, having the investigation 'confidential' won't improve the care problems - or help get a money settlement. Whoever 'sold' patients on this nonsensical illogical point was not thinking for the patient; the Medical Board can never be sued for wrongful cases where everything is/was 'confidential - that's logical. The system was a way to get the Medical Board of Ohio out of any liability for wrongful suspensions of medical licenses - it wasn't for any patient or to improve any care paradigms. The Ohio State Medical Board is completely, as is Governor Kasich, self-serving.

Killing someone by mandating that they not receive care for a bone condition - because the Medical Board 'missed' it because they didn't allow consultation, a workup or any blood work that came back in Ohio - well that's just a Governor who hates women = misogynist in the DSM parlance. And that woman MD had a Fellowship to St. Louis University in Bone Metabolism that was nixed years ago - where the bone condition would have been treated as part of the job so that other patients could benefit by whatever happened to her with the treatment. She had a rare - still does - familial problem where no physician doing reasonable care would be sued for missing things - but the care wasn't even reasonable - it didn't exist except in fantasy.

So this opportunity was nixed, not because she did anything wrong, but because the Board Members were jealous of her achievements and smarts. Governor Kasich wants only the stupidest on the State Medical Board, the biggest campaign contributors, and not for women to achieve, disagree and improve standards. It's like Hitler's view of women all over again; that they should remain in the home or be taken out. Ohio is The House of Dolls as in the book by that name.

Just a no-brainer: Brad Reynolds understands nothing about (1) how the Medical Board of Ohio operates; (2) women's medical care, or (3) what's going on at the State Medical Board of fraud and folly - where nothing is about patient care. Call home Governor Kasich.

Company: Governor John Kasich
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 77 South High Street, 30th Floor Riffe Center
Phone: 6144663555
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Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board allowed to take the licenses of women MDs who object to admittedly bad medical care with 'confidential' complaints signed by the physicians providing the bad care - no restriction

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio like in Texas, needs to review all physician medical license suspensions with anonymous 'confidential' colleague complaints - where the physician had no patient complaints - huge stack of false cases Internet

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board suspending the medical licenses of women MDs for objecting to the wrong care to themselves - admittedly wrong care done by physicians not certified - with no patient complaints

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio can go after the handful of pill-mill physicians, but can't review cases of unjust suspensions for objecting to the wrong care by physicians that can't even collect insurance for that care

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio False physician disciplines are ruining Ohio, physicians can't get medical care when they are a case, one woman MD is truly ill after 19 years of withheld care - she complained about her own medical c

Governor John Kasich
Will allow women MDs to die from unnecessary fractures rather than admit that the State Medical Board made a mistake taking medical licenses for 'making too much' of admittedly bad fracture care and n

Governor John Kasich Ohio
Kimberly Anderson take medical licenses for 20 year for objecting to admittedly bad care, release confidential complaints against state law, allow the Medical Board to cheat on cases to invent diagnoses for physicians

Governor John Kasich
Is going along with disciplining woman MDs who object to admittedly 'wrong' care of fractures - care which their BC/BS won't pay for as hip-knee orthopedics are trying to do wrist fractures - without

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
Mr. Richard Whitehouse taking physician licenses based on complaints by colleagues who don't know the physician, never spoke to them, paid for complaints - which you can't prove except that other potential complaint signers

Governor John Kasich
Has continued the policy of making medical licensure be about the woman MDs agreement with Ohio medical care practices as relating to her own medical care ie that she go along with what the boys want