Wrong Item & Failed Orde

Health & Medicine

I've location two purchases with this specific organization, and equally have now been a catastrophe. Purchase 234732: I paid $37 for DS-SPECTRAL-DNC-N and was alternatively delivered DS-SPECTRAL offered at $35.99 meaning I overpaid. I required an upgraded, but was refused because of my starting it. That we realize to some stage, but I respected Vitasprings foolishly, and didn’t discover VitaSprings delivery mistake until my head was burning in the minoxidil. I held the merchandise, approved losing and rapidly positioned a brand new purchase.

I put order 237537 to rapidly acquire the right DS-SPECTRAL-DNC-D. I waited fourteen days with no outcomes. I examined by Charge Card plus they hadn't actually positioned the purchase! I eventually needed to purchase via 2nd time delivery through Amazon to acquire two of these products for emergency alternative. Knowing something about hair growth options, you CAn't wait fourteen days with no compromise of main regression, or even lasting. Furthermore, my spouse should have AcneAdvance with no overlooked times. After I sent an inquiry why my purchase wasn't satisfied, in the place of contacting me wondering easily still desired the purchase like the majority of store-fronts might do, VitaSprings instantly charged my charge card, although fourteen days overdue, with no mail or calling. Really unprofessional organization

I were left with two products each, due to no communications because of awful VitaSprings business summary, because of incorrect merchandise delivered, spending 2nd time delivery because of no satisfaction by VitaSprings and dual item, I'm over by $75.00 in spending and significantly annoyed. Following a couple of days, Vanessa, an asian lady with really low intelligence, named and asked questions exuding an amount of prejudice that I've never summary, they supplied a $8 discount on my last order, that will be certainly my last order. Caveat emptor!

Company: VitaSprings
Country: USA
State: California
City: South El Monte
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Incorrect Item and Order Not Placed

Deceptive! South El Monte
H &L This report complements two others that site this online company as fradulent

VitaSprings Health Products
Vitasprings Misleading, Fraudulent: Deceitful Online Company

Vitas Springs
Rip-Off - Violation of Shipping Terms, Poor Response from Company internet

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Order was short, no response
Unfilled orde

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Didn't recieve credit to my account nor merchandise

Acai Berry
Charging for unauthorized product
The 1st time I ordered from them my order never shipped