Lifestyle Family Fitness
Crooks, Scam artists, Cheats

Health & Medicine

Do not do business with this company!!! Youll find the personnel at each store to be friendly and personable but behind the scenes lurks greedy and deceitful practices with the sole purpose of ripping you off.

Specifically, when you try to cancel your membership, theyll whip out the small print that specifically states you must submit your cancellation in writing 60 days in advance. Aha! But now that I know that you say, I will cancel with 60 days notice! One big catch: What they dont tell you is once they receive (wink wink) your written cancellation, you must respond to their written request (more winks) that you confirm.

The problem is you will never, ever get anything in writing from them! I know. My daughter and I (who was a member of their Lake Mary, FL) club have been fighting these people for five months on this. I even left a voicemail message for the CEO, John Simmons, to no avail.

Next step: State Attorneys office. Lets make it official shall we?

So you want to be smart? Avoid these scammers like the plague.

Company: Lifestyle Family Fitness
Country: USA
Address: 140 Fountain Pkwy, Ste 410 St. Petersburg, FL 3371
Phone: 7274563100
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Lifestyle Family Fitness
Refuses to take a cancellation

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Minutes to sign up months to cancel

La Fitness
Refuse to cancel memebership inside local branch — insist on providing a WRITTEN request 20 days in advance?


Horny Matches - HornyMatches
Horny Matches HornyMatches is a scam

Lifestyle Family Fitness
Company Lies About Membership Fees

National Fitness Financial Systems
National fitness financial systems - fitness membership

LA Fitness - Body Of Change - Pro Results
Will not cancel gym membership or training contract despite father dying and moving to a state with no LAFitnesses. They have lied about receiving a FedEx notice of my cancellation 2 months ago. Greensboro, North Carolina False Leads, sending you fake request, thats supposed to be sent by the orignal owner of the profile, almost 90% people will send you hi or wink request to you but orignally they dont exisit or they didnt do it
