Deceptive practices

Health & Medicine

Vitacost withholds shipping cost for financial gain at the cost to the customer. They acknowledge shipping costs from US but fail to inform of Import Vat. A cost they personally avoid by shipping products to a bonded warehouse in Germany, knowing when these products are moved on the cost will be passed on to customer. When customer service is contacted they deny any responsibility, knowledge, control or reimbursement. Evidently they want the customer to belief that Vitacost has no business plan or cost analysis.

Further, if products are returned Vitcost will withhold the additional shipping costs plus 20% of product cost.

Personally, on my purchase of $68.50 I was charged $17.83 shipping. The additional hidden cost of $31.95 (20.32) was withheld by Vitacost. On my purchase price of $68.50 I was not informed of having to pay an additional $49.78; something I would never had done if known in advance.

Vitcost fails miserably on customer care and costs.


This is blatantly false; you knew that these products were to be shipped from a bonded warehouse in Germany; that the import vat charges are accessed on anything 15 or more would be passed on to me. All this information you were privy to but failed in your responsibilities to inform me, the customer.

You have also not sent the contact information as requested to take this complaint to a third regulatory independent party for a decision.

You leave me no choice but to go online complaint site to get that information from the Internet community.

J. Malley
From: Kizzy Douglas
Sent: Thursday, 26 January 2:59

Country: USA
Address: 130 Lexington Parkway
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