Berkeley Nutraceuticals
Ripoff, Unfair advertising and claims, auto ship in aprox 5 days was sent at 10 days

Health & Medicine

I tried a trial of enzyte and not only did the product make claims that were not lived up to but they stated that my credit card would be billed for a 60day cycle of product at aproximately 5 days before my trial was to expire. My new product was shipped and billed to my credit card 10 days prior to the expiration of the trial size. They refuse to issue a credit though I have not even opened the envelop the product was delivered in. Totally fraud of advertising and unfair practice, it is evident once a supervisor was free to speak with that they spend all day speaking to upset customers Someone has to do something about this company it is not right.

Company: Berkeley Nutraceuticals
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnati
Address: PO Box 45242
Phone: 8774369983
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Enzyte - - Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Ripoff! Rude customer service! Fraudulent billing!

Lifekey Healthcare - Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Lifekey Healthcare/Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals ripoff, deceptive, mis-leading, scam artists, advertisement is a total scam

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
RIPOFF "free" Alvimil trial from TV before trial period was up they automatically took $70 from my account WILL NOT REFUND

LifeKey Healthcare - Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
LifeKey Healthcare Aka Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - Enzyte ripoff they take money out of your account a week after you receive the product even though you have 25 days to cancel

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals

Berkeley Premium / Lifekey, inc
Berkeley Premium Lifekey, Inc ripoff fraudulent billing Cinncinnati Ohio

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - Altovis, Avlimil, Enzyte, Ogoplex, Rogisen and O
Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals Ripoff & deceiptful! Will not refund money! Products they sell include Altovis, Avlimil, Enzyte, Ogoplex, Rogisen and Ovicid. Will post invald rebuttal!

Wagner Nutraceuticals - Berkeley Nutraceuticals - Altovis
Ripoff unauthorized billing of charge card, refuses to credit card for amount billed. Ripoff

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Berkeley Nutraceuticals Brands including Avilmil and other televised brands ripping up and misrepresenting themselves with fake money back guarantee as seen on TV ripoff

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Boland Natuals, Lifekey Healthcare, LifeKey, Wagner Nutraceuticals, Wagner Pharmaceuticals, Warner Health Care, Enzyte and Avlimil are all rip-offs!