An absolute CON!

Health & Medicine

The one thing that simply defies the benefit and convience of the internet is a supplier/advertiser that simply does not not tell you at the outset (i.E. When you see there advert) of taking your credit card information they, will automatically charge you IF you do not cancle in a certain period... No confidence in their product??? It doesn't actually work? No confidence I will come bakc as a loyal customer because your product works? And they will just take advantage of the soft touch population or those who don't check their bank statement!

Let's be assured, this approach is short term and who ever lead this marketing campaign will NOT be around come next year... Update your resume (TP: don't reference this campaign)...

Ohhhh... And to the person who I just spoke to when I called... Referring me to the fine print I should have read!!! Well when I go into a department store, I do not get issued with T&C's with each product I purchase, I have choices, I don't hand over my credit card and expect future charges, etc, etc. You are forcing the masses to back to physical stores, higher costs in product distribution and the the accountant in the the back office... LOWER MARGINS...

So when the marketing guy who thought of this idea thought of the quick bottom line win... Read back... It was quick, you did product damage (TRUST damage) and just damaged the long term bottom line...

So my message to buyers - just don't... It is a CON... Product did not work... To Proactiv: be honest WAY upfront if you are locking people in when they hand over credit card details (NOT IN THE FINE PRINT). A real one time payment and if the product works for them they will come back...

Company: Proactiv
Country: USA
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Price match guarantee is a scam, read their details

Beware of the Fine Print!

Proactiv Solutions
Trial offer is a scam - buyers beware!

Ripoff charged me for product i did not order

Sends procuct, bills credit card - without an order!

Best Buy Corporation
Read the Fine Print for Returns!

Unauthorized charges

Proactiv Solution 365 Charged Credit Card without permission Internet

NuBodi, Or ColonCure
NuBodi Ordered product trial 7/8, arrived 7/19 and they charged my credit card 7/23 for the price of 30 day supply. There is no way that I can try the product for 4 days only, and was told to read the fine print

Proactive Billed me after for repeated orders that I did not request