Warner Health Care Inc Aka Avlimil

Health & Medicine

I too saw the commercial on tv for the tree 30-day trial pack. So I went online and placed the order when asked if I wanted to decline any further shipments I checked yes and continued. Funny thing is I didn't even get a confirmation that the order was receive, no confo#, tracking # NOTHING! This was early March and about 2 weeks later the charges of $2.00 and $2.50 appeared on my bank account and decided to wait.

This morning, Saturday 04/10/04, I check my bank account and a mysterious amount of $70 has appeared and bank doesn't have a contact# only a name so that I can find out who made this charge. With a small search on Google, whatta ya know? Only thing I find on this so called Warner Health Care is here and I realize that it's Avlimil. I decided to call so that I can clear up this mistake mainly because I haven't ordered anything I haven't even received my free trial pack. They'd understand and fix it right up. RIGHT? WRONG!!!

I call up and get connected to "Chris" who won't give me her real first name or her last name but only an extension #. After explaining to her that I didn't place any orders and hadn't even received my free trial I was flat out told NO REFUNDS and treated extremely rudely. After getting frustrated with the lack of courtesy I asked for a supervisor. After waiting over 15 mins for a so called supervisor who automatically came to the phone with an attitude. She ALSO stated bluntly NO REFUNDS but then offers to refund me half back. Now if you say no refunds and then offer half why not just give me all MY money back since you werent supposed to take it anyway. This I don't understand! After trying to explain to her and not being able to get a word out she politely points out that she's taping the conversation and making threats of hanging up when all I have tried to ask is for a refund. AGAIN, I ask for her name and she gives me only her first name I repeatedly ask for her last name and she becomes even ruder at the fact that I have asked for her lsat name instead of her extension. Now for all I know this supposed supervisor named Michelle isn't even at this extension. But anyway, after about another minute of wanting more information for my records she disconnects the call.

After that I called my bank back and spoke with someone who helped me close my check card account down and reorder a new one so that I would not incur anymore charges from these people. As well as explain to me the steps of disputing the charges with the bank so I am hoping that will go through. I am a stay at home mom so every penny I have in my account its crucial and having someone take what I really don't have just because they say and think they can isn't right. I have also tried calling the BBB but because it is a holiday I have to wat until Monday to file my report. But be sure I will and am also contacting our local media for help as well. I am hoping I can find other people this has happened to in the NY tri state area that will help me correct this companies injustice and fraudulent ways.

Company: Warner Health Care Inc Aka Avlimil
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnati
Address: 10877 Millington
Phone: 8668341715
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Warner Health Care (Avlimil)
Warner Health Care, Inc. (Avlimil) Misleading often changed website

Warner Health Care - Amlivil
Warner Health Care - "Avlimil" ripoff Criminals who use Internet Bank Fraud, to steal money using Consumers credit card numbers, Scumbags use the Guise of a business to commit Credit Card Theft

Warner Healthcare Avlimil
Unauthorized shipments of Avlimil and charges to my credit card

Warner Health Care - Avlimil
Unauthorized unrecoverable debit card charges

Warner Health Care - Avlimil
Warner Healthcare, Avlimil ripoff - don't give them your credit card number - they will charge you for orders you did not order. It is impossible to cancel or return anything

Warner Health Care - Avlimil
Warner health care ripoff

Warner Health Care - Avlimil
Unauthorized bank charges! Rip-off!

Warner Health Care - AVLIMIL
Warner Health Care —AVLIMIL Avlimil hoax, ripoff, false advertisement per tv infomercial, refuses refunds, extra charges on credit card

Warner Health Care, - Avlimil
Warner Health Care - Avlimil ripoff

Warner Health Care - Avlimil
Ripoff Charged my credit card without authorization!