Medical Billers Network
Total Rip-off, Dishonest, New York Total rip-off, dishonest Internet

Health & Medicine

I paid the special price of $219. I was told that all I had to do was go throught the modules, pass the test and I would be Medicare certified. I worked in the medical field for 25 years and thought this would be the ticket for me. WRONG! The modules are more for a registered nurse and the test at the end is 29 pages long.

You almost had to be a physician to go through this procedure. After I did this and submitted my test I got a response that I had to now take the Medicare certification which was another ten modules with testing at the end of each with 90% right to past the test. Did that, faxed in my certificates, then received another e-mail that I needed to contract with the clearing house for $125.

They gave me the e-mail address to contact. Contacted them in January and February and have to date never received my clearing house information. Then on top of all this, you have to find a physician in your area thata does not electronically bill for Medicare, present your business, and get him to sign a contract. If there is no one in you area, you may have to travel somewhere within your state or even out of state.

So far I have invested about 100 hours or my time and my $219. I would like to atleast get my money back. They tell me once you get access to the "modules" you can no longer get your money back. This is a true rip off even though they say they are listed with the Better Busiess Bureau. It is as always, "if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is".

Company: Medical Billers Network
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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