Dr Afshin Frazadmehr
Dr mehr batched breast augmentation plastic surgery fraud

Health & Medicine

This dr is a scum bag. He charged me extra to remove scar tissue from my breast, which one side had poped due to him under filling the saline implant. I switched to silicone that way he could not underinflate them. I also went larger in size. He left the old scar tissue in and put larger implants into alot smaller pocket. He admitted to what he did and said if I am in pain I will have to pay him to fix it. When i told him he was out of his mind and that he charged me to remove them and didn't do the work. I have been in extreme pain since day one of the surgery and we are now 2 months out. He refused to give me any information on my surgery and said he could just break my new implants and make it look like an accident, then send them back to the manufactures. That way he would get paid for it and it would not cost him anything. This guy is completely dishonest and doesn't care one bit about his patients only money. I even have him recorded saying this. I have lost so much money due to him, not to mention the pain. And it is going to cost me a minimum of &7800 just to fix his mistake. Please if you are thinking about using him take in consideration my experience and if you don't find other complaints its because he hired a company to remove negative blogs from the web. Google it and you will find he didnt even pay the guys that he hired to do this.

Company: Dr Afshin Frazadmehr
Country: USA
State: California
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John Beryl Tebbetts, MD
I paid 6,00.00 for a breast procedure and was left deceived, mislead, unsatisfied, and a cup size smaller than before and he could care less because he blew me off

Robert Wilcox M.D
Plastic And Cosmetic Surgery Center Of Texas Botched Breast Lift and Removal of Implants

Natrelle, Natrelle Saline Breast Implant Only Lasted 4 years!

Dr. Behnaz Yazdanfar - Toronto Cosmetic Clinic
Deceitful Risky NOT a surgeon!

Dr. Jon Wilensky
Performed my breast augmentation and after several painful complications, refuses to fix me or pay to have somebody fix me

Palmetto Marketing
Scam artists Ripoff

Dr. Brad Jacobs Plastic Surgery
Dr. Brad Jacobs MD Medical Malpractice Breast Implants Plastic surgery ripoff

Dr. Medford Davidson
Dr. Medford Davidson scam overcharged crazy

Dennis M. Nigro
Dr. Dennis Nigro FACS FICS performed 3 bad resulting surgeries on my breasts, scarred me, and left me deformed, all within seven months (October June) ripoff

Dr. Larsen of Stone Crest
Did not do what he said in operating room