Barthel Fitness - Cellucor Scam
Jonathan Barthel, Cellucor C4, M5 Misleading Fake Reviews

Health & Medicine

While searching for info on Jack3d the other day I stumbled into a few reviews and one in particular stuck out to me. A "reviewer" by the name of Jonathan Barthel who runs the Barthel Fitness channel on YouTube. He claims to be a personal trainer, but shows no credentials. This should have been a warning sign from the get go. - see here

Jonathan Barthel's About me says this. "I am 22 years old, Personal Trainer and Nutrition Consultent. I am a natural body builder. I love to teach and learn from others. If you are interested in working with me contact me at jonathan. I have worked with clients from disabled individuals, to well know celebrities!"

It seems that he is luring people to buy into his "unbiased perspective" on products from companies that obviously initiated the review in the first place. Barthel's reviews are clearly FOR the people at Cellucor. Almost all of his videos where he reviews supplements tend to lean towards Cellucor rain or shine.

Http://youtu. Be/SQ2yw8LsfgA
http://youtu. Be/b5ZzA09RLko

His video titled "ULTIMATE Pre Workout Supplement Review - Jacked, NoXplode, Superpump, and more" is of particular interest because he places some quality supplements along side of the suspect company, namely Cellucor, who is clearly supposed to be the winner of the bunch. If I had to guess Barthel was either sent free samples or money for his cowardly efforts. Now it's hard to dispute that he didn't like Cellucor, but what can't be disputed is the fact that this asswhipe is in bed Cellucor to some degree, thus making his reviews false and ILLEGAL, and according to a recent court case, puts them in direct violation of FTC regulation. See this article on a recent court case _r=2&hp

Is BarthelFitness a Cellucor employee? I surely hope not, or he may find himself in court soon. Is Cellucor A Scam? Is Cellucor participating in PAID reviews? These are good questions and need answers, because thousands of people are being mislead by these fake pre workout supplement reviews, such as the one by Mr. Barthel.

Company: Barthel Fitness - Cellucor Scam
Country: USA
Phone: 18669279686
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