Lady Of America
Billing ripoff

Health & Medicine

This people think that we women can be ripped off easily.

I joined them on september with a 3 year contract. I don't complaint about their personnel, but for I do complaint is about their billing procedures. Irresponsible is not hard enough to describe them.

They billed monthly against my credit card, but when it "expired", they sent me a letter that I owe them that month. But, that letter arrived the same day that the credit card report arrived. So, I did'nt have any idea that they "couldn't" bill my credit card that month, until both letters arrived at the same time.

So, I went to my LOA so that the kind lady could send them the "new" credit card number by fax, so that they could bill me again... With a $25 fee for "the bank. I can't figure out why they said that they "cannot" bill the credit card and why they "do not" notify their clients about the near expiration of the cards. Well, "should it be the costumer's responsibility to know to whom they're paying and the dates of expiration of their credit cards." Well I paid, with the credit card that they should bill monthly, which expires on 2005. At this moment, they SOULD have the "new" number. Right??? WRONG.

Then, another billing statement arrived on september for the same reason: "they could not bill me because the credit card has expired" DAHHHH!!! I went AGAIN to the kind lady, and she helped me not to pay AGAIN the $25 fee, because it was LOA's fault that they have not updated their records.

BUT, they made me pay four months in advance with the excuse that they will "have enough time to update our records..." That is, $99.80... And it was done, again, with the SAME credit card that they "do not have" in their records. Well, we also faxed them a copy of the "new" credit card AND a billing slip, to be sure that they could "update their records"... The four months included were august through november.

So, the time passed. I went on vacation on christmas. Then I received the credit card report for december: they DID NOT billed december either. Then I received a phone call today from a guy named Roberto Fernandez (phone no. 1-877-800-6695) who told me that I owe "$289.50"!!!

I got veryyyy agryyyy and told him that how could it be possible that they STILL HAVE NOT updated their records YET!!! He alleged that "that number WAS NOT SENT" Yeah, sure, I have the copy of the fax that the kind lady sent to them and the name, phone and fax to whom it was sent... And paid with THAT VERY SAME CREDIT CARD both times... And I told him so.

Then I told him that I NO longer want to be part of LOA and that I wanted to cancel. He told me that the ammount that he was giving me ($ 289.50) was the ammount due until september which is the date that the contract "ends", and that I have to pay it all... And also he told me that I should send him a letter stating that I want to cancel and that I do not authorize an auto-renovation of the contract... And that he recommended me to PAY the whole sum because, then, I will NOT RECEIVE FURTHER COLLECTING LETTERS!!! OHHH GOD!!!

This makes me to think that this whole "show" is to rip me off my money, and that they do not have the intention of updating my account or whatsoever.

I am presenting the cancellation letter. Are they going to comply with this, or are they going to allege that I did not send it also??? Let's see what happens on this september...

I think that this rip-off scheme will continue until somebody sue them very good and give them a lesson: to respect people.

Puerto Rico

Company: Lady Of America
Country: Puerto Rico
State: Other
City: Mayaguez
Address: Car. #2, Edif. Office Park
Phone: 7878054942
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