Beachbody, LLC, Processed credit card order without my approval or submission Beverly Hills

Health & Medicine

I decided to go to their website and add the kit to a cart tosee what the total was going to be with shipping and taxes. I actually began the checkout process and as Im beginning I can clearly see by thetabs on the page that my checkout process is 2 pages away from order submission. Im suddenly at an upsell page and as Im sitting there pondering the upsell, I decide that Im going to think about it more thoroughly and that Ill go ahead and complete an order at a later time. I close the browser and go back to work. Here is where it gets interesting.

A couple of hours go by and suddenly my email inbox shows a lovely, justreceived Order Confirmation email from P90X. At this moment I had two choices, just accept it and be glad that Im getting the system, albeit in an unconventional way, or see this for the unethical thing that it isand get in touch with the folks at Beachbody, the makers of P90X. I of course choose the latter, so I head back to the website and heres the lovely chat I had with one of their customer service reps, who are obviously working on pure commission. Needless to say I will not be ordering P90X from their website but will instead find one on ebay.

Chat Transcript 01/06 12:33 PM
[12:14: 34 PM] Thank you for contacting Beachbody, my name is Sam Manuel. If at any time you feel youre not receiving excellent service or feel unsatisfied with what I am doing, please let me know immediately and I will do all within my power to accomplish your request. How may I help you?
[12:16: 46 PM] Carlos *: Sam just a quick concern, I was on the siteearlier looking at ordering the P90X system and I went ahead and added it to the cart to see how much the total would be. I got to the cart summary page telling me what the total was, with tax, shipping etc and then I closed the browser without going on to the next pages, the confirmation and submission. Now suddenly I get an email two hours latertelling me my order confirmation, whats up with that?
[12:17: 42 PM] Sam Manuel: Let me check your account and assist you further in a better way.
[12:17: 45 PM] Sam Manuel: Can you please verify the following information so I may locate your account?

-Billing Name (first and last)
-Billing Address
-City, State, & Zip code
[12:18: 08 PM] Carlos *: Carlos *
[12:18: 15 PM] Carlos *: #
[12:18: 19 PM] Carlos *: Palmdale CA 93552
[12:18: 34 PM] Sam Manuel: May I have your phone number and email address with which you have placed the order?
[12:18: 48 PM] Carlos *: #-#-#
[12:18: 53 PM] Carlos *:
[12:19: 00 PM] Sam Manuel: Thank you for providing me with the required information. Please give a minute while I look into your records.
[12:19: 39 PM] Sam Manuel: May I know did you placed an order through
[12:21: 13 PM] Carlos *: Yes I was on but like I said, I got as far as the first upsell with the chin-up bar and stopped there, just closed the browser after that.
[12:21: 29 PM] Sam Manuel: May I know which program you have placed?
[12:22: 08 PM] Carlos *: p90x
[12:23: 13 PM] Sam Manuel: So you need only the P90X Basic Dvd program with 3 monthly installments?
[12:24: 42 PM] Carlos *: The issue right now is not what I need cause it apparently got processed already, Im trying to figure out how the order got processed when I didnt even submit the order for approval
[12:25: 23 PM] Sam Manuel: Once you hit the submit order button. Your order will be processed.
[12:26: 55 PM] Carlos *: I told you I didnt even go past the first upsell, I could see that there were two more pages after that, a confirmation page and a submit page but I didnt even go past that, I just closed the browser
[12:28: 36 PM] Carlos *: How the heck did you guys process my order without me even submitting it for process?
[12:28: 56 PM] Sam Manuel: I am sorry for the inconvenience caused while placing the order.
[12:29: 14 PM] Sam Manuel: I have canceled your transaction. Web information can take 2-4 hours to
update, so please be advised that you may still receive an email confirmation of this order. Rest assured that I have placed a stop billing request and the order will not be charged. I sincerely apologizefor this inconvenience and will follow up with your confirmation of this cancellation within 24 hours.
[12:29: 43 PM] Carlos *: thank you!
[12:30: 56 PM] Sam Manuel: Are you satisfied with the customer service you have received today?
[12:32: 01 PM] Carlos *: yes
[12:32: 08 PM] Sam Manuel: Im glad to know that you are satisfied with my customer service. With your permission can I end the conversation?
[12:32: 35 PM] Carlos *: yes
[12:33: 15 PM] Sam Manuel: Thank you for chatting. Good luck with your fitness goals! And dont forget to visit us at
[12:33: 16 PM] Carlos * disconnected (Concluded by Agent).

Country: USA
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