Preferred Health Benefit
Stealing Money out of my Checking Account

Health & Medicine

I discovered three (3) checks paid to Preferred Health Benefit @ $19.95 ea. Taken from my checking account on 2/16; 4/7 and 6/16. I met with my banker and the checks are presented as 'paper' checks and therefor they are not able to stop them. They are returning the last one presented in June, but the other two (2) are past the 90 day limit. I have called the (888) number printed on the checks numerous time but always got a voicemail saying to leave a message as they were handling other customers and their office hours are 10 am to 4 pm, EST. I always leave a voice mail but never receive a call back. I also looked them up on the internet and found an email address for support; it was returned as 'invalid recipient'.

I have no idea who they are or how they got my information. I have always used the insurance offered through the company I work for, since 1999. Very frustrating!

Company: Preferred Health Benefit
Country: USA
Phone: 18887720189
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