Medical industry
Waiting Room - Health Care Services

Health & Medicine

Your sentenced to a cold waiting room to wait for a medical service provider... They enter the room dictate what tests you need and retreat out the door... Welcome to HEALTH-CARE. Care?

Company: Medical industry
Country: USA
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Steven sears 18 truman
Steven sears MD truman medical steven sears emergency medical did not treat my sick father and i had to wait in the waiting room for two hours at the regional medical center while we waited for Dr. Sears to meet us

Health Partners
Employees read medical records &mental health records Minneapolis

Combined Life Insurance Company
Been waiting 4 months so far for the company to review my claims on their accident plan

United Memorial Medical Center
Uncaring ripoff

Southern California Medical Marijuana Doctors $55
Cheapest Medical Marijuana Doctor in Southern California made me wait forever in the waiting room for my $55 medical marijuana card

Health Care Insurance Company
Health Care Insurance

Gateway healthplan
Provider and hippa privacy through gateway gateway healthplan and hippa together let a patients medical information out to public in dec in the result of that the patient whom is now 47 years old could be in dange

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board allowed to take the licenses of women MDs who object to admittedly bad medical care with 'confidential' complaints signed by the physicians providing the bad care - no restriction

Memorial Hospital Santa Rosa Ca
Discrimination. Denied mediacal care. Worst er in bay area. Sloppy care, bad doctors, bad hospital, many complaints

Assurant Health