Stonebridge life insurance company
Double billing each month

Health & Medicine

Be very carefull if you chose this company for your life insurance. First let me say that they are the least expensive of all the life insurance companies that I have looked at, that's the good part now for the bad part.
I have been with them since 2006 I have had them take out my monthly premiumns from my bank account every month. I pay all my bills this way save time and I can avoid late fees. So almost from the start when I check my bank account (every day) when this company took out the preminums on lets say monday they then again would take out the same premiums the very next day. Now a day or two later they would put back into my account the second premium that they withdrew. I really didn't think to much of this because I always had enough money in there if there would be an overdraft. But there shouldn't be a need for me to worry about them doing this.
But the last couple of times I was running real short on funds and forgot about the double dipping from them. Luckley the withdraws (2) didn't put me into overdraft. I called the company and was told by an employee that this was the way that they did things. Well that set me off, I told them that I didn't want them to automatically take money out of my account anymore, no problem I would pay by check every month.
Well I got my first pay-by-check invoice and it was around $5.50 more. I called them up and asked them why, I was told because of the paper work involved??? Yeah doesn't make sense to me either. I told them that they were out of their minds they asked me if I wanted to pay automatically from my account again DUH. I informed them the story about them double-dipping on their end. And lo and behold I couldn't believe what came out of their mouths "WELL THAT'S NOT RIGHT AND WE DON'T DO BUSINESS THAT WAY" I was told that they would make sure that this never happened again if I would go back to my old way of paying so I said okay. Buy I warned them if it happened again I was going to go to my state attorney general and the insurance commission. Can you imagine how much free money that they had the use of for 1 or 2 days it could be millions for them to get interest or invest for a quick turn around
Remember if you go with them check your statements every month from them.

Company: Stonebridge life insurance company
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Valley forge
Address: p o box 790419
Phone: 18007321821
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