Never ordered this

Health & Medicine

Our charge card was billed $59.99... Never requested the product and not received it.

Company: Vioderm
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
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Debbie Myers
Debbie Meyers Places an order for the Debbie Meyer's Greenbags and as the confirmation of order page came up it showed the total for shipping there was no mention or option for shipping it was 80% of the product Internet

Vioderm — Synergy Life Sciences
Vioderm—Synergy Life Sciences Vioderm is not reimbursing me for a sample sent back! DFW Airport Texas

Took money from my visa acct

Lsc*vioderm V
Vioderm rip off

Greatest Kept Secrets
Invitation Processing free membership invitation letter telling me about secrets that i possess and power they can give me

Charged my credit card 79.95 for a trial sample that i should have only paid 6$6.95 shipping

No response to emails... Provided false information of what they were sending to me

Vioderm - Synergy Life Sciences
Vioderm charged my debit card $59.99 without notifying me and refuse to credit it back. Their Terms & Conditions are contradictory. One sentence says its non-refundable. Another sentence says the c

Vioderm - LinkStar
Equidata Ordered the $1.00 Sample w/shipping from this company & never received it. Now they are charging me 59.99. They stated they received a confirmation # from our local post office, but there is no record

Lsc*vioderm, V