Cheyenne Pease-Carter
Discrimination, harassment, narcissism, and bigotry

Health & Medicine

This complaint is to express my opinions on my experiences with Dr. Cheyenne Pease-Carter. The intent of this complaint is to inform, educate, and warn the public about the problems with unprofessionalism in the field of counseling. I do not speak for any other peer nor do I speak on behalf of a group. These are my subjective judgments. I hope my judgments and opinions benefit society at large. I hope they help to improve the mental health field which I believe to be in a chronic state of corruption and disorganization. This isn't personal against Cheyenne; however, I think the entire mental health field needs a huge overhaul.

I knew Cheyenne when she was earning her doctorate degree at The University of North Texas. That was more than a few years ago. My experience with her was extremely unpleasant and disturbing. Cheyenne had a propensity to be catty, very self absorbed, and bigoted. Many times it seemed as if she had a chip on her shoulder and an ax to grind. She came across as an angry feminist that had it out for men. Hatred of men is sometimes refered to as misandry. I believe that someone that is as biased as Cheyenne cannot benefit clients with mental or emotional problems. I will provide rationales so that the readers will understand where I am coming from.

Cheyenne did her best to discredit me in one of her classes. She probably saw me as her competition. It is my belief that she didn't like me because of my ethnic minority status and because of my gender. She would blurt out very negative and untrue comments about me in front of other people in order to damage my self esteem. She would also write ugly comments on my papers. One time she wrote down that I would starve off if I didn't do better. Those comments were clearly meant to cause harm and to cause anger.

It is really irresponsible to provoke anger in others. University shootings, workplace shootings, and suicide are devastating events that everybody should try to prevent. The way to prevent that is to be respectful, caring, and nice to everybody. Don't try to make other people angry. Just don't do it. It isn't fair and it isn't fact we should all go out of our way to help others be more productive citizens. We shouldn't revel in animosity when male youths are rotting in some vile jail. We should help and show care for everybody.

I found it offensive when she would discuss her client cases in front of peers and students. Client information is always confidential and none of their information should be given out in public. Sometimes she even spoke negatively of her clients which I found to be shameful. I think she should refer her disliked clients to another resource and immediately end counseling. A lot of counselors know their weaknesses and they should explicate that information to their clients, peers, or students to prevent misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

She mentioned many times that she counseled male youths that were being punished in jails. She seemed to enjoy talking about how the male youths were being punished in jails and how she had power over them. It seemed to me that that is where Cheyenne desired males to be. It is my belief that she wishes for them to be rotting away in some repulsive jail. I'm not sure if she has financial ties to for-profit prisons or jails but I could see past her mental health facade. I could tell that she had a lot of animosity towards men. That animosity had a very long lasting effect on me. It is my belief that she especially dislikes ethnic minority men. Discrimination is a very painful and long lasting experience. I wish for nobody to have to experience it. At that time it was my belief that she really didn't care about helping particular types of people but instead she enjoyed the suffering of men, especially ethnic minority a way it is sadism.

I was offended when she discussed how she reported one of her male clients to CPS for doing drugs. The client disclosed that information to her with consideration that it was confidential. He had no idea he was going to be snitched on. She discussed how the children were taken away. I found her lack of sympathy and empathy to be my opinion she is a dangerous woman. It appears that she doesn't wish to help and bring about win-win situations to those around her, especially to men. She likes to exploit foibles and make problems even worse. With Cheyenne you will never know what words will be used against you.

All of this information applies to every counselor in the mental health field. Counselors can be deceptive and opportunistic! Some are racist, homophobic, and hateful of men! Do not fall for the credentials and the self-marketing platitudes. I warn all clients to think of themselves and for themselves first before putting their lives into the hands of somebody who can cause great havoc and chaos.

Self-love and forcing yourself to stop certain addictive behaviors is something some clients should do without a counselor. It is better to suffer for a while without a counselor and stop the addictive behaviors on your own, than to be reported to CPS or to some prison or to some mental institution. Other times mental health professionals have financial ties to pharmaceuticals and they will coerce the usage of psychotropic drugs onto their impressionable clients.

Mature professionals will put aside all prejudices and remain professional and respectful to everybody. A mature professional will resolve his or her own issues and biases on their own free time. Mature professionals should never cause psychological harm or devastation to another human being. Mature professionals should warn their clients about their biases and prejudices.

I doubt Cheyenne will warn any of her clients about her narcissistic demeanor or her bigotry. Therefore I am helping society by warning them ahead of time. Please be extremely cautious with Cheyenne. Think for yourself and care for your life first because these so-called mental health professionals are only in it for the money.

Company: Cheyenne Pease-Carter
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: North Texas Area
Address: 5009 Thompson Terrace SUITE 103
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