UKD Laboratories Criminal and illegal business activity on the web

Health & Medicine

This company " Extreme-White.co.uk " has stolen money from my credit card on more than one occasion. I did not authorise any payments. I ordered a " free trial "... There was no mention as to terms and conditions when I applied... I gave my details and payed for the trail. They then took a further amount from my credit card without my authorisation.

When I received my receipt via email there was no mention that I was signed up for further treatments or deliveries... By the way, I havent received anything other than the free trial that I requested.

And again this company has taken yet more money from my credit card. This is totally unethical, and criminal... And this company should be put out of business.

Company: Extreme-White.co.uk
Country: USA
Site: www.extreme-white.co.uk
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UKD Laboratories Unathourized withdrawals from my Bank Account New York

Extreme white Money taken without notification or my consent - you automatically agree to paying more and more!

Perfect Radiance
Consumer Report

UKD Laboratories They have lied and made false promises regarding their 'Free Trial Offer'. E. W needs to be stopped and the sooner the better. If you do make the mistake of placing an order, CANCEL your card A.S.A.P

Revitalize Health and Beauty
Consumer Report

Ukd laboratories free trial becomes rip-off repeat charges, charged twice for one item United Kingdom Internet

Dazzle White

Ivory White
Deceptive business practices, total scam

Extreme Acai Berry, IP-Online Health, Fullfillment
Extreme Acai Berry Credit Card Ripoff

Bright White