VIT*Sera Concepts 1C
Sera c/o GLF Canceled order and they charged and ship product to me after the fact

Health & Medicine

I was on the Internet and got caught in the information loop that you can not go to the next step without being forced to choose a product. When I finally selected something that I did not mind trying for 5.95 I placed the order. I did not want to become linked to a long term agreement I immediately called the company to cancel any future orders and was tool that with in minuets the order had already been processed. I proceed to send an email to confirm cancellation and to avoid any additional orders or charges. This was to no avail because they claimed that I should have still called again even though they acknowledged receipt of my cancellation with in the trial period.

They proceeded to charge me 64.95 for the order that I had canceled and now refuse to credit my card back the 64.95 even though I canceled with in the time period. Now the only possible way to get my money back is to "write" to a P.O. Box and file a complaint to "see" if the company decides to return my money which could take who knows how long. The problem is that I followed their rules and they acknowledge that they received my written email request but still chose to charge me for a product that I expressed that I did not want. This is a violation or fair market practices and my right of refusal.

Company: VIT*Sera Concepts 1C
Country: USA
State: Maine
City: Lewiston
Address: 41 Canal St
Phone: 8776530015
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