Body By Banks
Orders Merchandise, does not pay for it, hides from collections, uses bogus address, won't return calls

Health & Medicine

Michael Banks of Body By Banks in Draper, Utah has ripped off $3,661.45 from the company I work for. I am in Collections. The company has tried to collect their money since the first invoice went out in December. Now they have hired me to do nothing but pursue these accounts where a company has committed fraud. Mr. Banks placed two orders for his business and had it shipped to the address provided. Many invoices were sent to the address without a reply or payment. Yesterday, I went to the address, it is an empty building where a Mail USA postal business used to be. It closed up over a year ago. His website still uses the same address.
I called him on his phone and he answered, I told him who I was, he was busy and asked me to call back. He didn't answer. I wrote a message on the comment section of his web page and asked someone to get back to me. They have not responded. He is hiding.
Mr. Banks has stolen the merchandise he ordered for his business, since he refuses to enter into any converstions about his debt. My company wants to be paid for the product he ordered, that's all. We don't want to report him to the Credit Bureau, BBB, Utah State Attorney General or take him to Small Claims Court, but I will do whatever I have to do to recover this debt. This is my job.
Body By Banks is supposed to have locations in Sandy and Orem. I have yet to find any Business License issued to him. I suppose this too is a violation of the law. I will do my research and ask for assistance from the public who may be willing to help me find this scoundral.
Most people pay their bills, even when it strains their budget, people like Michael Banks, creates a bill then throws it away without any intention of paying it. He gives himself a bad name and could care less. If you order a product and then don't return it or pay for it, it's stealing. Don't let him steal from you, and please help me find him and put an end to his career of taking and not paying.
I don't know how he deals with his customers, but beware, he is dishonest.

Company: Body By Banks
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Draper
Address: 11441 South State Street
Phone: 8012302320
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