FORMA - Functional Orthopedic Rehabiliation Medicine Associates - Thomas Bakman, D.C. - Jack Hewitt
FORMA - Functional Orthopedic Rehabiliation Medicine Associates - Claudio Carvalho D. O - Thomas Bakman, D.C. - Jack Hewitt - Chiro Ripoff - Falsified Medical Records and Ordered Unneeded Services and X-rays

Health & Medicine

I was advised by the above medical providers that I needed X-rays and multiple types of physical therapy, even though I had not had an accident or injury.

I was told by Jack Hewitt that his fee for services was $120 with insurance or $60 cash per visit. I was shocked when I started receiving the bills and each visit had five or six different charges which totaled nearly $500.

I asked for a copy of my file. There were numerous instances in my chart where Jack Hewitt had written in that I complained of pain, which is completely false. I think he falsified the records in an attempt to justify the procedures he was ordering. I believe this consititues insurance fraud.

The bills also contained the name of a doctor that I've never met by the name of Bakman. It's my opinion that the providers at FORMA don't care one thing about the health of their patients and that all they're concerned with is lining their pockets at their patients' expense. Greed, pure and simple.

Company: FORMA - Functional Orthopedic Rehabiliation Medicine Associates - Thomas Bakman, D.C. - Jack Hewitt
Country: USA
State: California
City: Costa Mesa
Address: 230 East 17th Street, Suite 202
Phone: 9499990777
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