COPE Services
They called the police on me, and lied to them

Health & Medicine

COPE Services. They provide a free talk line for people in my county. Their website indicates that they are funded by the UnitedWay. I have called them many times in the past to vent about various stressful things. During each of those calls they were helpful, and sometimes gave some very good advice...

The last time I called them, which about a week or so ago, I discussed feelings of frustration resulting from a recent breakup. I also talked about frustration with finances.

During the call, I thought I heard typing in the background, which reminded me of my call-center days. I paused briefly, and the phone counselor asked me what I was thinking. I told her that I heard a typing sound that was all.

She replied that she could not confirm or deny that she was typing anything. That struck me as odd, and made me a little uneasy about what she might be typing. I proceeded to ask some questions regarding their privacy practices [ something I should have asked from the get go. ] She replied that it was against policy to discuss those policies. At this point I felt very uneasy, and told her I was terminating the call. So, I hung up.

About a half hour later, there was a rather loud knocking at my door. I asked who was there, the reply was "Police!" I opened the door and two officers were standing outside my apartment. I asked them what was going on, and one of them replied "We're worried about you, " and asked if they could come inside the apartment.

I let the officers in. One frisked me, while the other just stood there. I asked them what was going on, why were they concerned.

They informed me that COPE had contacted them, given them my information, and told them that I was threatening suicide! I had not threatened suicide, or said anything even remotely related to the entire subject of suicide. I explained this to the officers, and much to my pleasant surprise, they reluctantly agreed not to throw me into a psychiatric ward.

I feel that my rights were violated in two ways:
1) COPE gave my name and address (which by the way I had not provided to them, meaning they traced the call, or had the police trace it) to the police, without my consent to do so.
2) They lied to the police saying I was making threats of suicide when in fact I was not.

Company: COPE Services
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Ozaukee County
Phone: 2623771477
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